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Wonderful description, Alva. If you are as good a gardener as you are a writer, your garden must be beautiful, indeed.

I agree about hands in the dirt. R wears gloves to garden. I don't. I need hands in the dirt. Actually there are microbes in the dirt that make you feel happy.

I don't agree with MKR that we can do without love. Count the number of love songs, poems, writings...

Golden and Alva,

One of my favorite pastimes as a kid was playing in the dirt! Mom would give us an old spoon and a pitcher of water to create our masterpieces with mud.

We made mud pies and so much more. Great fun! That doesn’t have to stop just because we are adults now!

I am so glad that my mom thought imagination was important for a kid to have.

Nowadays, we often see kids who have overloaded schedules and they don’t have time for simple pleasures, or to learn how to dream, imagine or simply have fun being silly.

So, I just went outside to look at my pepper plants 🫑.

They have grown quite a bit. I checked on the LSU agriculture site before planting them because they are really good for getting advice about planting for our region.

They have little white flowers on them now, so I guess they will start producing soon.

I loved gardening with my grandfather (mom’s dad) when I was a kid.

My dad had a green thumb and grew peppers. His family farmed. Daddy grew up in Florida and his parents died before I was born.

This is my first attempt at growing vegetables. I am looking forward to eating my peppers!

Alva—Beautiful post. I wish I could see your secret garden. I spent 26 years in an apartment with a balcony and a couple of window boxes which were fun, but five years ago my husband and I moved to a house on a half acre. The previous owners were an elderly couple who had both been master gardeners. They had lived here 15 years and were relocating to a continuum of care place because she could no longer manage him or the stairs and he had dementia. The front of the house had roses, hydrangeas, peonies, phlox, a pair of lilac bushes and more but all overgrown with weeds. I found a tiny, fancy. Bottle buried in the front that I assume was a perfume bottle.

The back had a narrow strip along one portion of fence that must have been an herb garden because it had all gone to wild mint. I have returned the front to all its glory and expanded the back strip to a pollinator garden. I added a shade garden to the east side of the house and a huge expanse of hellebores to the west side. I also added hummingbird feeders and planted native honeysuckle on the arch and irises by the mailbox.

my husband has a vegetable garden with tomatoes, peppers, arugula, lettuce, Swiss chard, kale, cucumbers, green beans, 10 kinds of herbs, and he has also planted two apple trees, a peach tree, and ordered a fig tree.

I also planted a goldenrod and aster garden which flowers later August through October to help the pollinators.

Three years after we arrived (or two years ago) I persuaded my parents to move up from 800 miles away to a house three miles down the road from mine, because my dad also had dementia and caring for him on her own plus the stairs and her own mobility issues were too much for my mom. Sadly, they couldn’t garden anymore except we did help my dad grow tomatoes in barrels on their patio the first summer.

Even more sadly — but in many ways also a huge relief — my dad passed away two days ago, almost exactly two years after they arrived. It was a difficult 5-6 years with his dementia and an absolutely harrowing last week of his life. The first thing I did after viewing his body with my mom and taking her home again, was walk my favorite meadow nature path. Last evening after a long day of helping my mom with the arrangements, I sat and weeded between the cracks in my stone patio.

I agree with Alva to just look. But I would also add listen. I heard the sound of a blue jay bathing itself in the birdbath. And later on, I heard the whinny of an eastern screech owl.

Now of course, I do not know what the future will bring for my mom except she will get older and of course pass away, no one knows whether in a day or many more years. But I fee certain that gardening and nature will be a help to me through the rest of her life and I hope for years beyond.

I also hope that when my husband I can no longer manage here, the new owners discover all the plants and possibilities of our property and continue to enjoy and cultivate them.

Tobin Fraley ~


Most of us spend our lives at a distance from the very ground beneath our feet. We build barriers between it and us; floors, streets, sidewalks, patios, driveways and even lawns, all to keep the earth at bay, as if by touching this ground we become less than civilized. At least this is what we are taught; that we should avoid this dirt, that it is filled with disease or worse.

Yet those who work with the earth know something different. The farmers whose hands are etched from years of working the land or the gardeners who cannot wait for spring to feel the rich moist soil between their fingers can feel the life within it. There are still others who simply celebrate this dirt, who walk on it, dig in it and live with it for no other reason than to connect to an element of ourselves that is beyond basic, beyond ancient.

Dust to dust; the earth is where we came from and it is what we will become.

(This will be read at my funeral. It is who I am and what I truly believe. I NEED to be digging in the dirt. It keeps me sane and gives me rest. I call it my "God time".)

I've been busy puttering in my yard all morning, cutting the grass, tuning up my string trimmer and working on a project to make my compost more inconspicuous. Then I tried to enjoy a coffee on my deck... can we please work toward a ban of all gas powered yard equipment? If we can make battery powered cars and even transport trucks we can surely manage to make lawnmowers, leaf blowers and all the rest. And honestly it's ludicrous that we strive to convert to electric cars yet dedicate all that fuel and pollution to something that serves no useful purpose.

Cwillie, NYS and I think California are working on getting ride of gas powered lawn equipment. I'm not sure where it stands but it is definitely headed towards getting ride of gas and pushing towards electric.

My brother has an electric push mower, I love that it's not so loud to. Not only air pollution but helps with noise pollution too


I am with you on the noise pollution! So loud and annoying. I enjoy sitting on my patio too, but I don’t enjoy hearing lawn equipment, weed whacking, etc.

My pepper plants are growing! I am excited that I will be able to eat something that I grew. I haven’t ever planted my own veggies before. It’s fun!

I'm jealous, you'll be eating peppers before mine start to flower LOL. I do have my babies planted out in their containers though, two per planter so I'll have to cull the weakest one.


One of my plants is taller than the other. It’s tipping over a bit. I can’t remember if my father had stakes to stabilize his peppers that he grew or not. He had them in a pot.

I know he had stakes on his tomato plants.

Your peppers will catch up to speed eventually. What do you mean by ‘cull’ the weakest one?

I have a variety of sizes that came in the group of peppers that I planted. I placed all of them in a pot together. Is that okay?

Rookie here. Maybe I should have read up on growing veggies a bit more.

I plant in 5 gallon pails and they say they do best with only one plant per container so I'll need to pull out one of them. Even though I have way more plants than I can grow it's hard to toss perfectly good plants.
Those tomato cages can be good for peppers too!


Thanks, so are my peppers going to be overcrowded since I planted them together?

Yeah, it is hard to toss good plants.

It depends on how many plants and how big your container is... you could probably do 3 plants in a big whisky barrel size planter. If the plants are too crowded they compete with each other for water and nutrients so they produce less, instead of 4 or 5 big peppers per plant you'll get 2 or 3 little ones.


This is good to know. I have five plants in my large pot. Can I move a couple of them to a different pot or should I not disturb them at this point?

They have little white flowers on them. I see new growth coming in too.

You are an experienced gardener. I do want to learn more and be successful with what I plant.

I took classes with LSU agriculture department and a landscaping architect, but it was a while ago.

I remember them saying not to bother planting garlic unless we wanted to wait the same amount of time it takes to have a baby! He said that it would be nine months before harvest. 😝

I stick to growing what is illegal to grow in some states, keeps me very busy , specially in the fall. But I love doing it.

I'm just going to call them "tomato plants." So if I talk about how my "tomatos "are doing you will know 😂

LOL. I've been offered a few "tomato" seeds to try but I don't really have the space for those plants, plus my neighbours already think I'm weird.


I am appreciative of your help. Can I appoint you as my gardening guru? 😁

I would like to plant herbs, squash, zucchini and green onions. Maybe some radishes too.

As I said before, I enjoyed watching my father and grandfather grow vegetables.

My mom’s dad grew everything! I was very close to him and loved helping him in his flower garden when I was a child. He had a big vegetable garden in the backyard. My cousin who lived in the country had a corn field. I was amazed when I saw his garden.

I didn’t know my father’s dad. He died before I was born. He was a farmer and had well over a hundred acres of land that he received from the military.

I suppose that my father had a love for gardening due to growing up in a farm family in rural Florida.

My dad grew his favorite things that he stuck with, not nearly as much as my grandfathers. His dad farmed and grew lots of fruit and vegetables.

Dad wanted to teach me about growing vegetables when we moved into our home. I wasn’t interested at that time and now I wish I had let him. Here I am at age 68 trying my hand at it!

I notice when it rains all of my plants perk up. Do you collect rain water to water your plants? Is it better than water from the hose?



My friend who also gardens agrees with me that it's a good thing our families aren't counting on the garden for food because we'd all starve 🤔.
On my parent's farm the land was fertile and growing things seemed effortless in comparison to where I am now, aside from the challenges of two black walnut trees I've been told my property was once a heavy equipment yard, that's why I grow most things in pails and planters. For me gardening is supposed to be a fun hobby, too big and it risks becoming a gruelling and expensive slog.

I enjoy participating in r/gardening over on Reddit, there are both old hands and clueless newbies there.


True, I wouldn’t want a huge garden either. Then, it would be work instead of a hobby.

My grandparents had a fig tree. The neighbors had a pecan tree. Daddy had a kumquat and lemon tree.

Grandma made fig preserves.

Do you have mirlitons in your area?
They are very common in Louisiana. They grow on a vine. We also call them alligator pears.

Also known as
Chayote squash or cactus pear. Daddy had no many that they offered the neighbors to take as much as they wanted.

Grandpa grew eggplants. We stuff eggplant and mirlitons with a seafood dressing here in New Orleans.

I haven’t gone on Reddit. I will look at it.

I had to look up what mirlitons are! They said it takes 5 months to begin to produce so they would never work here.
When I was a kid we mostly grew very basic veg - carrots, green and yellow beans, peas, onions, potatoes, beets, tomatoes and lettuce. One year I was in a 4-H gardening club that included more "exotic" plants like cauliflower, broccoli, kohlrabi, celariac.


That’s true. We plant according to our environment.

Mirlitons thrive in our area. They are on everyone’s table for Thanksgiving dinners.

We eat a lot of vegetables I love to make soup and salads. I spend a fortune on vegetables at the grocery.

I like going to the farmers markets but they seem to be as expensive as the grocery.

We use a seasoning blend, referred to as the ‘holy trinity’ here. It consists of onion, celery and bell peppers. They even sell it fresh packaged in containers or frozen in our stores.

I think if kids are exposed to gardening when they are young they will appreciate it as adults.

I have to say that I was a picky eater when I was a kid. I drove my boyfriend’s mom crazy! She was a fabulous cook and invited me over to their home for dinner quite often.

I didn’t eat many vegetables then.
My boyfriend’s mother fixed that!

When I told her that I was excited to eat her chocolate cake, she told me that I couldn’t have any cake until I ate vegetables with my meal!

Hahaha 😆, it worked, because she made a killer chocolate cake, so I decided to start eating vegetables!

My mom didn’t force us to eat when we were kids. The nuns at my school were really strict about eating. I remember that well. That’s why I brought my lunch to school, because I didn’t like the school food.

As a kid, there were lots of vegetables that I wouldn’t eat. After trying them I loved them.

I was a picky eater too as a kid. I think it was when I first had Chinese food that I discovered a different way to make veggies and I've since grown to love almost all of them done in many ways. I still haven't found a way to make brussels sprouts palatable though, which is weird because I like all the other cole crops.

I spent the major part of the morning wrestling with the canopy for my gazebo, it's year 3 so I was afraid too much force might tear it to shreds. I think the people who design those things must be twisted sadists.


I love gazebos and trellises. They are so pretty!

Yes, seasoning and the way veggies are cooked makes a huge difference in taste. Who wants bland food? Yuck 🤮.

We can’t like everything. I still hate beets and butternut squash.

I honestly have never heard of a mirliton. I just googled it, I've never even seen one.

I love vegetables, always willing to try new ones. I'm so suprised, I've never heard of them.

I even like brussel sprouts 😁

I love brussel sprouts. They taste like a combination of broccoli and cabbage to me.

Planted my canna Lily's this morning.

My summer bulbs started growing in March so I shoved them out in my garden shed, just before a big deep freeze 😬
I've potted everything up but still no sign of life from the cannas.

How about Dalilas, , I usually put them in the ground, but was thinking about big pots?

The cannas I do both, a few in the ground and a few in posts for the deck

I am feeling a little overwhelmed, thinking of all this spring work. We got rid of are pool, now turning the deck into a gazebo sitting area and filling it in and planning a flower garden in front.Got lots of flowers I seeded to plant.

And I just got my "tomato" plants in,

Not to mention moms! My flowers are going to look better than my mom's this year! 🙂

One step at a time, can't get it all done at once!

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