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I remember when I was young, hearing that doctors consider gardening an exercise, thinking that was silly 😜.

Now day 3 of gardening, and my muscles are killing. Gardening is definitely an exercise! 🙂


Gardening is a lot of work! It is a nice hobby for those who enjoy it.

My grandfather never saw it as work because he loved it so much. Grandma would never have worked in the yard.

My dad loved to garden. Mom enjoyed it too.

I am seeing tiny peppers growing on my plants now! Yay! 😁

Needs, nice! About your peppers. it is fun to grow something, watching it grow, and then getting to enjoy what you did, feels so good. I don't do vegetables anymore. I got enough to keep me busy, between here and moms.

I like to grow zinnias, then I can cut them and put them on the table or give them to someone that needs a pick me up


I love the beautiful colors of zinnias.

It is fun watching something grow, very rewarding!

Some things must be hard to keep watered enough down their, with your humidity and sun?


We do have long hot summers and high humidity but we also get a fair amount of rainfall here.

Needs, the humidity is probably good for a lot of things.

The tour guy did say the garden center is called that because anything and everything grows there.

I heard you all get less wrinkles because of the humidity .

Omg I just loved the Spanish moss, it's so cool


I love our Spanish moss too. Historically, it was used to stuff mattresses, pillows and furniture in Louisiana.

I saw teeny tiny little black bugs on my pepper plants. So, I went on a gardening blog and they said to spray diluted dish soap with water on my plants.

I have peppers on all of the plants! Yay! 😁 Can’t wait until they are big enough to pick.

Needs, nice on the peppers! Yeah I do that on my plants to. Like once a week just to be sure, but everyday if there are bugs.

Has anyone ever used banana peels as fertilizer. I read you put them in a jar of water for a few days and poor it on your plants, flowers ect... I'm going to try it anyways.

Spring is busy, I hurt all over! And it's been hot 🥵 for spring


Let us know how it works. It’s very hot and muggy here!

My peppers are about an inch big now!

My dad’s peppers flourished so well that my kids gave him the nickname, “green pepper grandpa.”

Maybe I will become. bell pepper, momma! 😝

Maybe, I will try planting hot peppers next time and I will be, Hot pepper momma! LOL

🤣 or change your name on aging care to needshotpeppers



I wish that I had my grandfather’s rose garden when I was a child. He grew the most beautiful roses.

I was so proud to bring grandpa’s roses to my teachers when I was a kid.

Grandpa would cut a bouquet for grandma to place on the dining room table and a bouquet for me to take to my teacher.

The funny thing is that some of the same nuns that taught my mother also taught me. It was cool.

I loved hearing stories about my mother as a child from them. Those nuns didn’t forget a thing! 😝 They were quite young when they taught my mom and my aunt.

My peppers aren’t big enough to pick but they are growing!

Planted some strawberries, tomatoes, and herbs this year for the first time, mostly for the purpose of a distraction from work and managing dad. Indeed it has been great. Got a few strawberries already, they were pretty good.

Put them all together in a planter and put wire over the top to keep animals out. However the planter is overall not big enough for all that I planted, the tomato plants are crowding out the strawberries now. Oh well, thats ok. A handful of tomatoes are starting to ripen.
its a pleasure to come home in the evening from work, water them and assess the progress. Raising vegetables gives a good feeling. When getting back from visiting dad also, to just go outside for ten mins and look at the vegetable garden, is calming.

Sometimes I wet
my plants.

I was offered a job as a gardener. I didn't take it because the celery was too low.

Struggling, I agree, there is something so peaceful about being in your garden. And watering plants I love to water them. Don't know why really but it's relaxing.

Bumble, you got me on the plant joke. 😂

I put my tomato plants in pots and put them in a garden cart, now I can move the cart around into the sun, and pull them in the garage if a storm is brewing. I'm like why didn't I think of that before!


Very smart!

The cactus are blooming throughout the neighborhood-some really beautiful flowers!

Needs, lol smart would have been figuring that out a year ago. 😆

For those who grow any vegetables in pots,
I really like the pots that are a clothe like felt material, then when the plants get bigger and you don't have baby them as much , the roots come out and they actually plant themselves into the ground. , when that starts to happen I put potting soil around the pot and then you pretty much have ground plants

Oh sends that sounds so pretty


Everything blooms so beautifully in California! I also think the palm trees are lovelier in California than they are in Florida. The ground covers, the flowers, the produce, etc.

I miss reading about Glad’s garden. She was an avid gardener.

I wonder how she and GardenArtist are doing.

I hope that GardenArtist was able to move to her dream retirement residence like she wanted to.

Y’all should see my bell peppers! 🫑 They are looking good!

Needs, that's awesome 😎


I am excited because this is my first attempt at growing peppers!

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