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Daughter, that's good to know! I'll look into that. my neighbor put hot sauce on his polls and they didn't care. So we think are squirrels are from Mexico. 😂.

Usually I don't mind and occasionally squirrel, but even are cats can't keep up with chasing them.

Bunch of road work down my road pretty sure they all came here. Hopefully they go home soon

I have no idea what is going on with my peppers. When I got home from my stay in the hospital, all of the leaves were falling off. Of well…I tried to grow peppers. 🫑

NEEDS, your ok! 😊😁❤️


I hope so. Going for follow up care. I have over 20 test results in my portal right now. Will discuss with my doctors.

I have to wear a heart monitor for a month.

I am still having a couple of symptoms.

Well I'm so glad to hear from you! I've missed you. Many of us did.
Please take care of yourself.

Sorry about your peppers. I've never seen that one!

Thanks, Nacy.

Did they perhaps get dried out while you weren't able to watch them? Whatever happened don't write them off yet, a little TLC might get them back on track (but don't overdo it)


They are sitting in the pot looking pathetic, a few peppers and no leaves. I don’t know if they will come back or not. We’ll see.

It is super hot here. My husband stayed with me in the hospital, even though I told him that he could go home.

So, they weren’t watered. I think he thought it was okay because we had a lot of rain previously.

🙂 What did the alien dandelion say to the Earth dandelion?

Take me to your weeder!

My tomatoes are beautiful 😍 😁

My peppers are still growing but I don’t know if they will flourish or not.

My cannas, Delias , marigolds and zinnias are doing great too. But it's going to be a hard week to keep up with watering.

They predicted 97 Wednesday. Seriously not sure if we have ever had it 97 , maybe a few times in my life but very often. And never June. Will see if they are right.

Needs, it's hard to keep up with that kind of watering. When you think about your peppers not getting watered enough, then think about your body, makes you realize how important water is to are bodies too.


Yeah, it’s stifling here!

I'm sure, husbands working hard to get my deck painted fixed and done. To beat the heat.

It's going to be my "She Deck"

Yay! where there's life there's hope NHWM!


They are hanging on by a thread but I am still hoping they will come back.

It's that time of year when all the wonderful flowers of June fade away and the hope for the garden fades with it. Powdery mildew has arrived and I expect Japanese beetles are just around the corner, the hot, dry weather stresses plants, and the $%#@ squirrels finally found one of the two sunflowers they have missed up until now (sigh)

I still have hope for my peppers 🫑.

Cwillie, I've been noticing more bugs and watching them.been spraying them down with water and dish soap everyday.

Still got sun flowers, but will see , now that we have the squirrels proof bird feeder.

Whit powder mold, none yet but I'm watching for it

Needs , nice on the peppers!

So much rain here in MN this year... I decided to try the mosquito lawn spray service since I'm pretty sure we will be at Def Con 1 malaria levels by July 4th. They tout it as being "safe for people, pets and plants". Our kids and dogs are gone so I feel less uneasy about doing it. Plus, my Mom still enjoys gardening but has a lot of brush and woods on her small property.

Does anyone have any experience with this? A relative of mine got West Nile virus in AZ. He was in the 1% who had it so bad that he got neurological damage and had to relearn essential ADLs. He's recovered now but...yikes. Arizona + mosquitoes. Go figure.

So my red breasted grosbeak, sits on the window ledge, looks at me in the window, flys away. I bang on the window to get the starlings off the feeder and the grosbeak comes back.

I swear can birds be that smart?

I'm getting so many new varieties of birds this year. 😊

I have a beautiful teddy bear sunflower starting to bloom. 🌻 🌞

Teddy bear sunflowers are short and smaller and they look like big puff balls of sunshine when blooming. I planted them 2 years ago and the all died. Better luck this year 😁

I dug my garlic today and although the tops looked fantastic I'm disappointed with the size of the bulbs. But then when I was digging I saw how despite my attempts to improve it my soil is still basically hard builder's clay, so it's no wonder I can't get anything to yield well there... sigh, I sometimes wonder why I bother.
But hope springs eternal, I've planted some bush beans where the garlic was in hope of taking advantage of the big rainfall we are supposed to get from the remnants of Beryl.

CW, there is a strange thing on the news about literally burring your old cotton underwear, and the more deteriorated the underwear is the better the soil is. 😂

It originated with TikTok, right? Every weird bit of news or advice I've come across seems to be something somebody made up and posted there, and no matter how outlandish you'll find hundreds of people who claim it's all perfectly true 🙄

It might have, not sure but sounds like a tic tok thing, I don't do tic tok.

I don't do TikTok either, but when you start to dig a little for verification or question where some of this stuff comes from it always seems to lead there, or to one of the other click bait sites like X or Instagram.

CWillie, have you tried planting peanuts or dikon radishes? I live where the soil is rock solid and that's what we use to break it up and soften it.

Or maybe passive composting in that area for a year?

Jjust some thoughts knowing exactly how you feel.

Tillage radishes are a popular cover crop here but peanuts not so much, although I do have some planted by the squirrels occasionally!

I'm just whining because where I grew up all we had to do was till the ground and toss in the seeds or plants and we got very good yields, now I'm planting in areas where the topsoil has been stripped away and no amount of compost and peat moss seems to replenish that, it will take decades.

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