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Is your mom not paying any part of the rent? - time to talk to bro & sis by letting them know you need help both financially & physically while you are doing so much for your mom - just $250 per month by both of them would have your mom getting some extras & then part is to pay for your much needed time off - tell bro that as sis ponied up last year so it is his turn this year 'to be fair' -
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worriedinCali Feb 2019
I will say it again. His brother is not obligated to “pony up”. It isn’t a matter of what’s fair and what is not fair. Both of them made their choices-one has his own life in California, one has their own life taking care of mom. Neither of them is obligated to financially support their mother. The fact that one does feel obligated and has chosen to taken on this role, does not make the other 2 siblings obligated to do anything.
I was in similar situation. You can ask him to watch mom while you are gone and he may say yes or no. He is grown and has his own life. He is doing his own thing. You love mom and stepped up to take care of her. Forget about what u think your brother should do. You do the best you can. Apply for state aid for mom to help with her care, this may allow you to have in home care for her or the money can be paid to u to help as you are already taking care of her.. Maybe get a caregiver for her while you are at work. Make some time for yourself and start dating. You need to also take care of yourself.
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First off, how's it going jack?

Second, I neglected to ask about/mention Medicare. When we were first hiring aides to check on mom (she did not need any help at that point, but was living alone - eyes on the wall, so to speak, as we are not close by), the nurse, who time WAS covered by Medicare (and she was there a few times), did an assessment (test) and made recommendations. IF our mom had agreed to getting some kind of "personal" care, like help bathing, Medicare WOULD have covered aides for that - it is a very limited amount (maybe 4 hrs/week?) , but every little bit helps!

What I did not ask is what is your mom's status with ADLs? Is she still self-caring or do you have to assist with bathing, dressing, etc? If she needs this kind of help at home and Medicare will cover it, certainly look into it! It takes a little load off of you physically AND financially.
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