
Mom told me she is concerned about my housing options when she passes away. The building management rules make my staying there not an option. Plus I could never afford it on my own anyway. My finances are very limited due to caregiving full time. I have several relatives who would like me to live with them. Some of them used to live with us, and the experience was very stressful. They are slightly younger than my mom, and are hoping I will become their caregivers. I don't want to do that. I would appreciate whatever suggestions anyone may have. Thank you.

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Rent a room in some one's home, get a part time job now to start saving for your future.
Helpful Answer (10)
MomsAssistant Nov 2019
Yes room rental is something I could afford, and I will start the job search for savings now. Thanks very much for these good ideas.
Find yourself a real life Golden Girls situation. There are many, many seniors who have huge homes and empty nests. Basically, become a roommate and pay rent for a room and share expenses. I would not go from one caregiving situation into another. You need time for yourself.
Helpful Answer (10)
MomsAssistant Nov 2019
That is such a good idea for me to look into. You are right, I will certainly need time for me. Thanks so much.
Start saving money now for your own place, plus find work for income. If your relatives ask you to take care of them, nicely tell them you can't.
We need to take care of ourself too.
Helpful Answer (9)
MomsAssistant Nov 2019
Thank you, you are so right. I must take care of myself. Really appreciate your helpful reply.
Check into subsidized housing properties-There are some that are privately owned.
Helpful Answer (7)
MomsAssistant Nov 2019
I certainly will - thank you so much.
Check your county's website, too. There might be resources for job training/counseling for adults re-entering the workplace.

Whatever you decide to do, I think you definitely want to avoid caregiving for stressful people -- what a double whammy!
Helpful Answer (6)
MomsAssistant Nov 2019
Great suggestions. I will check the website. Thank you very much.
Apply for Section 8 and/or HUD
Helpful Answer (6)
MomsAssistant Nov 2019
Thanks so much, I'll check their websites.
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Are you by chance a "senior"? You might qualify for senior housing.
Do you have a job that you can return to?
It might be that you have to take up the offer of housing for a short time but you need to find other options and the best time to do so is now when it is not "urgent" that you leave where you are now.
Helpful Answer (5)
MomsAssistant Nov 2019
Not yet, but I will be a senior in a few years. Yes, I could check with an employment agency I used years ago. Thank you so much for the advice to start planning now.
Perhaps an unkind thought, but I wonder if your relatives would be so willing to have you live with them if the boot were on the other foot, ie, that they might have to care for you for some reason instead. If there is any way round the issue I would be doing all in my power to not get caught on that carer merry-go-round again.
Helpful Answer (5)
MomsAssistant Nov 2019
That's a very realistic thought, actually. And yes, I will do all I can to avoid that merry-go-round. Thank you so much.
MA; Is your mother paying you for caregiving? Doing that (with a legal caregiving contract in place) in one way for her to compensate you and assure your financial security.

Very few of us can afford to quit our jobs mid-career to do full time caregiving. I'm glad that mom is concerned! Talk to her about setting up a plan to pay you a living wage so that you will be able to afford to live somewhere decent when she passes on. Then you'll be better able to get back on your feet and resume your career.
Helpful Answer (5)
MomsAssistant Nov 2019
She does pay me, but yes we do need to talk and review the plan. Thanks very much for your advice.
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Start making money on your own and banking as much of it as you can right now. There are so many work from home jobs... www. is a wonderful resource.

Use caution with Craigslist... it seems like every other episode of Judge Judy has to do with either shady roommates or landlords that found each other on Craigslist. And as others have said you'll go to the end of the line for section 8 housing unless you have kids or a disability of some sort.

Early 50s is a late start in life but better late than never. Good luck.
Helpful Answer (4)
shad250 Dec 2019
Flexjobs, too. Even though it's a pay for website, They have a 67% off deal, but it ends today
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