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If he is fine with going into a nursing home let him go ( it is just a bluff ).

Inform him you have to spend time on yourself and if that is not agreeable find some place else to live.

Sounds like a very manipulative man and only being strong but respectful works on those types. I speak from a lot of experience.
Helpful Answer (10)

Have a hearty laugh, in front of him or not, your choice, and go out on your date. Life is too short to be guilted by someone.
Helpful Answer (9)

You need to set boundries for yourself. If Dad is fine being alone for a while, then do your thing. Your Dad seems to be paranoid and you can't change that. Don't argue and don't tell him ur plans ahead of time. Tell him as ur walking out the door. "Going out for a while. Will be back by 11pm. I left u something to eat in the frig."

You need to remember you are an adult child. You have a right to ur life. Dad needs u more than u need him so any help you give him is on your terms. And I agree, call his bluff when he says "well I'll just go into a home" Anytime he tries to manipulate u, call his bluff.

My now 3 things to keep in mind which I wish I had known years ago.

1. Guilt is self-imposed
2. NO is a complete sentence
3. Your are not responsible for the person's reaction to ur NO.
Helpful Answer (22)
Myownlife Sep 2021
Love it, JoAnn !
I have to agree. You should have taken him up on his offer to go to a nursing home. My grandmother and occasionally my father would threaten things if they didn't get their way. I found that calmly agreeing with them no matter how insane the threat took the wind right out of their sails.

Or if your father is lucid (and I am not sure he is) ask him if he really wants you to be trapped in this home with him for the next 10 years caring for him rather than living your life. Throw a little guilt right back at him.
Helpful Answer (16)

And - 75 is not elderly. Not nowadays. Your father's current choices are making him old before his time.
Helpful Answer (12)
Myownlife Sep 2021
Ha Ha, I sure hope not! I'm 67 :)
I think you should probably seize the day and with it your father's proposal that he moves into a nursing home.*

Discussing the individual items on his agenda is a waste of time. This has got nothing to do with the cat or Covid or "Uncle Tom Cobley an' all" - this is about your father's clinging to you as if he were a drowning man and you a lifebelt. Get him to dry land before you both go under.

*Not necessarily a nursing home. Any supported living environment where he has access to the help and services he needs.
Helpful Answer (16)

Do you WANT to be living with your Father all through your 30s?

What about your 40s? 50s?

Some people like living with a parent, don't want to partner, have children, travel. It's enough for them... 🤔

What's YOUR big picture plans?
Helpful Answer (13)

Your dad is mentally unbalanced. A person who does not have his head on straight should not be making decisions for anyone. His only tool is manipulation and he's using it well.

Dad is ruining your life and you let him.
Helpful Answer (14)

Go on that date!
And...Go out with your friends. They will be in your corner and support you.
Go shopping. Run out for lunch or coffee. Go have drinks. Have a great meal (you deserve it!)
Think about whether you want to continue to live this cloistered life. I would suggest reading the book 'Boundaries'.
Your dad may not be able to see how unhealthy your relationship has become. He shouldn't be holding you hostage to his fears, and it doesn't seem like he's thinking logically. He's guarding you like a resource, not as his loving daughter. There are options out there to help meet your father's increasing needs. While you can be part of his support, should you choose, you can't meet all his needs by yourself. And at some point 'help' will involve his interaction with other vaccinated people.
Helpful Answer (14)

Please enjoy your date. I hope you’ll begin enjoying many activities and friends. And never discuss your dating life or decisions with him again. That’s a conversation that will go nowhere. There’s nothing to feel any guilt about. He’s being incredibly selfish. A caring dad, who wasn’t only focusing on his own situation, wouldn’t want this restricted, stifling life for you. You’re at an age to have your own career, relationships, and life. Don’t allow him to let you pass it by
Helpful Answer (16)

I agree that your dad should definitely go into a nursing home where he can worry himself sick 24/7 and have nobody there to play the guilt card on. Or, better yet, you should move out and on with YOUR life which is being stymied by a 75 year old father who could easily live another two decades keeping you captive inside the house for all the 'what if's' that may happen if, God forbid, you dare to venture outside the front door.

Before my mother came down with dementia, she'd call me from across the country asking if my doors were locked? Before she got on a plane to fly back to Florida after my wedding, all she wanted to know was if my windows were locked b/c someone could sneak in and kill me if they weren't. I've lived with the paranoia for 60 years and it's no joke, I can vouch for that. But I moved out of the insanity when I was old enough to do so. I suggest you figure a way OUT of this madness before your entire life is ruined by a man who's trying to instill fear in you 24/7.

No, you should not feel even slightly guilty about going out on a date. The bigger question is this: what are you going to do if you like this guy? Then what? How are you going to disentangle yourself from the emotional manipulation games your father is playing with you so you can go on MORE dates and have a life outside the house? That is something to figure out now because life is passing you by.

Dad can hire in-home caregivers if he's in need of 24/7 help. He can move into Assisted Living. He can do a variety of things instead of what he is doing. Keep that in mind as you move forward: you are doing nothing wrong. HE is.

Have fun tonight
Helpful Answer (19)
Beatty Sep 2021
The window locks LOL.

I was once asked to go check on a relative's laundry, as it might be getting mouldy!

My brain can't deal with other's paranoid or anxious thoughts 🤪
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You should be able to go on your date. And enjoy it. Your dad is being manipulative and attempting to control you. Do not allow it or it will continue. Is he safe to be alone? If so, then go go go and do not feel guilty. Easier said than done, but do it anyways.

IF he's not safe alone, then get a "babysitter". He won't like it, but he can't have it both ways.

Funny to threaten you with going into a nursing home. I would call his little bluff. "You know dad, that might not be a bad idea. There are some really nice ones around here. Do you have one in mind?" etc etc. If he needs a lot of care and is needy and controlling, it might not be a bad idea.

You should consider some regular assistance so you can get out of the house on a regular basis. You are too young to be stuck home with him all the time.

You need to live your life too.
Helpful Answer (17)

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