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Backlash is why people don't hold firm to their boundaries. Mom didn't like my saying "no" so I gave in. Which only continue to feed the bad dog. So in advance - decide what boundary to set (you can't yell at me) and decide what you will do if the boundary is trampled (exist - hang up the phone or leave).

When I kept leaving after my mom trampled boundaries she eventually learned not to yell. It was hard though.
Helpful Answer (7)
NeedHelpWithMom Oct 2019
I agree holding firm helps because the message being sent is clear. There are exceptions though. I held firm. Backlash can still happen. Everyone is individual and reacts differently.

Well, it’s over now since she moved out. If I hadn’t called her. She wouldn’t have had the opportunity to jab me again. I can’t begin to count how many jabs I took in my life. Maybe I should have been a boxer instead of going to school to become a teacher!
Hello, It seems like we are all going through the same things. It’s a torture unless you can somehow break away from her . Can you go to a few caregiver meetings?
I finally hired two aides who she fought for the first few weeks. She now accepts them in her house and she’s sweet as pie to them but demanding and agitated all the time with her children .
I know the pressure and anxiety of carrying them on your shoulders. I started working out and that helped. Part of me hopes she dies in her sleep and than I’m guilt ridden for thinking that . It’s just two much for one person to handle.
Sending some strength your way.
hang in there.
Helpful Answer (8)

I am totally heartbroken. I cared for mom for over 14 years in my home. I did everything!

When I started to set boundaries all hell broke loose. She pitted my brothers against me. We didn’t get along to begin with because my brothers are so self centered.

I burned out. I got so much criticism that I told mom to go live with my brother and his wife if they thought he could do better. She stirred up so much crap that he threatened me with turning me in for elder abuse.

Hadn’t spoken to them since she left because I needed to regroup.

Yesterday was my birthday and I tried to reach out to mom. Calls kept going to voicemail. It upset me so I asked my daughter to call. Same thing happened to her. My daughter called my godson, my brother’s son and he gave my daughter mom’s new number.

I called. She was cold as ice to me. I may not even know where my mom will end up living. She’s 94 in November and I am pretty sure my brother will place her somewhere. That’s what he said he was going to do.

She wasn’t even going to give me her number. I won’t know when she’s dying or when she’s dead.

I am struggling to process her rejection. Grieving for a mom that isn’t even dead. It’s horrible.
Helpful Answer (12)
1golflady Oct 2019
I understand this totally. It will get easier and you will be better off. I grieved the loss of my mother 5 years ago and she is still alive. I was 50 when I had to finally admit to myself that I didn't have a mother, she was never a good mother she ALWAYS put herself before her 6 kids. People who have real mothers ( as I like to call them ) will NEVER understand this and think I'm a horrible person. But I don't care, until they walk in my shoes their opinion means nothing to me. I moved her in with me and my family after my step dad died and it was the worst mistake of my life. I suffered post traumatic stress syndrome and probably had a couple nervous breakdowns while she lived with me. I had to get up enough nerve to tell her the situation wasn't working out and she needed to move out. smartest decision I ever made. I talk to her on the phone but keep my distance and take care of her from a distance now. Just yesterday she was talking about how great she is and reminding me how thick my thighs are etc.....she calls her daughters, grandkids and great grandkids terrible terrible names and tries to pit us against each other every day. But to the outside world she just the sweetest person......sometimes I still wonder when god will put me out of this misery....
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With narcs, that's precisely how they want it.......YOU are the only one to see the ugliness of what she's really doing. To everyone else, she wears The Mask of the lovely and Sweet Woman you know to be totally fake. That is the deceit.....they make US out to be The Bad Guy and people believe them! They are convincing and conniving and charming. I watch my mother literally blowing kisses to people then saying filthy things about them once they walk away. Yet, they think SHE walks on water and I'M mean!

Nobody understands the dysfunctional dynamic, nor the stranglehold, these women have over us as long as we maintain contact with them. That's why it's impossible to set boundaries....they won't allow it and they constantly change the rules of the game to keep us off the only real answer is to go no contact.

Most of us can't feel okay doing that, so we wind up accepting the abuse. We allow the constant mind games and zingers to go on and on. An on. And we wind up waiting for them to die, but they live on and on, coming up with new ways to hurt us on a daily basis. Just when we think they can't possibly find yet ANOTHER way, they do. So we wind up drinking or drugging or needing anti depressants just to function. Right?

I maintain low contact with my mother who has dementia and gets more foul on a daily basis. I've gone from calling 2x a day to once, and am considering going to every other day now. I used to visit frequently, now it's once a week if that. When she goes off on me, I leave or hang up the phone. I don't take half the shit I used to take, but I still take way too much. But I'm the only child, unfortunately, and starting to feel like she's my punishment in life for the past 62 years. I wonder if I'll be 70 and still resenting every moment I have to spend dealing with her. I hope not.

All of her siblings are dead. Her husband of 68 years is dead and shes glad, since she always disliked him because he was never enough, just like me and everyone else in her life who's disappointed her.

It is what it is. I've written all this just to tell you I Get It. I feel your excruciating pain. She doesn't live with me because I put my foot down hard on that subject many years ago. I'd literally shoot myself first, honestly. So I know you have it a lot worse than I do and my heart hurts for you. Take care of YOU, my friend, because she sure won't be doing it.

I hope there won't be a bunch of negative backlash over this comment, or comments about hate or things like that. It's not about hatred...its about exhaustion and never feeling like enough. And it's oddly about Love, too, in a strange way, and wanting a loving relationship but never feeling it or knowing what closeness feels like. Or the mother daughter bond, because narcs are incapable of true love or closeness.

Its all very sad, how they destroy everything they come in contact with, or within 100 yards of their toxic presence. Yep, I really do understand where you're coming from, from one who's Been There Done That
Helpful Answer (20)
Rbuser1 Oct 2019
Thank you for that very real response. I relate to all of it. I hate how nothing ever satisfies and they critique everything and everyone. The neighbor left some pull ups outside the door and my mom complained about the thoughtful gesture, then when neighbor called later in the day-she was so, so , what's the word. Oh she says let me pay for them, you didn't need to do that. Not sure I ever heard her say Thank you.
Well-she hasn't been by in a few days. If it was me-my feelings would have been hurt. Anyway. Another example is another neighbor right beside me gave us some fish-fresh caught, cleaned and ready to cook and she said-I wish they had been_____fill in the blank (the type of fish they weren't.) Anything but what someone offers and I think that is so selfish.
When she moves out of my house, I will be able to have some control over how much she belittles me and I will be leaving out of her earshot too when she starts. I will be able to be myself around people without having to watch what I say or how I act around them. You know, like a normal human being.
Again thank you for understanding how it feels.
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