
I went to bed last night and she was on the couch watching TV with the remote. I woke up this morning and it is nowhere to be found, and I mean nowhere. I looked high and low. I searched upstairs and downstairs, through drawers, behind the cough and under the cough, etc. Does anyone have any clever ideas of where it might be. I'm going stir crazy and so is she.

My remote slipped down into the recliner and was caught in the fabric flap between the back and the base of the recliner. You absolutely absolutely could not see it! Had to use a flashlight to see it.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to XenaJada

trash cans,
garbage disposal
her pocket
her purse
and check the couch again..reach all the way down between the cushions. (I know scary!)
Please let us know when you find it, if you find it and where it was. We should take bets.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Grandma1954

Did you check all the trash cans?
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Isthisrealyreal

My mother stuck an old purse in the drawer under the oven. She stashes odd things between stacks of clothes in her dresser drawers. Laundry baskets. Jacket and robe pockets. Under mattresses.
That remote will be someplace that doesn't make any daggone sense.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to BlueHeron

Sometimes LO mistakes the remote for a cell phone. Look where a phone might be.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Fawnby

I've found prescription trifocals in the big wheel-out trashcan that is kept in the garage. I found all the dishwashing sponges and a dishwashing brush with a nice teaspoon very carefully placed on top in the kitchen garbage can. I found a tube of toothpaste in the bed (several times), used toilet paper in various places, and so on. No place is off limits.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Fawnby

Trash, fridge, freezer
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Southernwaver

They hide really well in the darn couch! So hard to find. This is really a PITA. Hope you can find it or replace it.
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Reply to againx100
Rogerwyatt7890 May 22, 2024
Ripped the couch apart and took all cushions out. Looked underneath and even took her cane to make sure not to miss anything. Lol I found other stuff though but not the remote. Looked everywhere possible. It's a mystery. Probably when the kids come over next weekend they will find it in no time flat.
When I was in my thirties (no dementia) I put the kettle on and went into the other room. About 10 min. later I wondered why it hadn't whistled yet. So I went into the kitchen. The burner was on, no kettle. I found the kettle in the fridge.

So look anywhere. Even the most unlikely place. The fridge? Toilet tank?
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to Gershun
Beatty May 22, 2024
Ah yes, fridge, oven even + the toilet tank.. known hiding place for a wee flask.
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Roger ,

You say in a reply below that Mom is now scared and shivering .
Maybe she has a fever and feels ill . You also said she’s hallucinating, I think .

She has something going on different enough to call EMS to take her to the ER .
Then she can be placed in MC from there .

This IS THE BEST WAY . THIS CHANGE in mom is your OPPORTUNITY . TAKE IT . Call EMS . Tell them she’s not herself . She’s hallucinating , confused , scared , shivering .

Then you refuse to take Mom home . Tell them you can not care for her . Tell the social worker . While she’s in the hospital you set up her room in MC .

When Mom gets discharged from the hospital to MC , you have her go by ambulette transport van . ( you will have to pay for the transport , but it’s the best money I ever spent ) Do not pick her up in your car or she will refuse to get out of the car when you get her to MC .

Do it . This is how my mother got into a facility. She also was acting weird, scared because she found out she was going to be placed. She went to the hospital first . Call EMS now .
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to waytomisery

She flushed it.

Go buy yourself a new tv.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Sha1911

I wonder if she is having back flashes of the facility people being here or something.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to Rogerwyatt7890

Order two compatible universal remotes on Amazon. Keep one with you.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to BarbBrooklyn

Does she have a walker with a storage compartment ?
Her pocket of whatever she was wearing ?
Inside a cereal box or box of cookies, or other food? A suitcase ? Makeup bag ? Jewelry box ? Shoeboxes ?

Start looking inside boxes and containers that are in drawers , cabinets , pantry , Bathroom .
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to waytomisery
Rogerwyatt7890 May 22, 2024
Didn't think about cereal boxes. Thanks I will give it a shot.
Does your TV on the back of it have a button that beeps the remote. One of mine does
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Anxietynacy
Rogerwyatt7890 May 22, 2024
No her tv is pretty old. Old Vizeo.
Just look again, those *&%( things like to hide in wedges and because they are usually black you can overlook or basically look right at it and not see it.
Under the couch way in the back, we keep flashlights handy.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Rbuser1
Rogerwyatt7890 May 22, 2024
Did all that LOL.
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Roger when DH aunt went to bed she would often take her house phone (cordless of course) and put it under her pillow in case someone called during the night. After she started confusing her remote and phone (trying to talk on remote or change channel with phone) she would sometimes take the remote to bed with her instead of the phone. . Sometimes it fell behind the bed. Sometimes it was on the floor beside the bed or just under the side of the bed.
‘The side of her recliner was a spot to always check. Once it wasn’t on the side but when we tipped the chair back it came tumbling out.
She liked to sit outside and we found it there at times.
She would say “what are you looking for?” I would say, “your tv remote”. She would offer me the phone. I would laugh. She liked to laugh too so would join me. . Fond memories.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to 97yroldmom

Check her purse, if she has one. I found my mom's remote there the other day.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Soflaholden
Rogerwyatt7890 May 22, 2024
Did that. Its driving me nuts because she had it in her hand last night before I went to bed. She often sleeps on the couch. IT IS LITERALLY NOWHERE.
On her person? In the bra, side of pants or down a sock?
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Beatty

Perhaps just find a book and read (if you have time) until M wants to watch TV. Then she might find the remote all by herself!
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to MargaretMcKen
AlvaDeer May 22, 2024
Ha, by now I am going kinda nuts behind this. I mean isn't it Survivor night? With only 4 left on the Island??? The Finale!!!!! I am not certain how to turn those blasted things on without a remote anymore. Must be a way!
Microwave, Washing Machine, Dishwasher.
I don't know how big Roger's Mom's place is, but I am always going around this one saying "Where IS it. This place just isn't that BIG. It can't be far!"
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Does she by any chance put her own laundry in any hamper? Be careful doing the wash for a few days.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to AlvaDeer
Rogerwyatt7890 May 22, 2024
No I do all the laundry and the basket is empty right now. Good thought though. She is pretty clever so it is probably somewhere I have not looked.It literally is driving me nuts. I has to be here somewhere. She just laughs at me with that childish giggle (kind of creepy).
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When I was doing caregiver for a company, a sweet lady didn't like cell phones. I found mine in a sock , in between 2 books on a book shelf.

Would your mom of his it someplace?
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Anxietynacy
Rogerwyatt7890 May 22, 2024
OMG that's funny. I have NO IDEA where it is. I even looked in the refrigerator and freezer LOL. I even checked the wine cellar and basement AND NOTHING.
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Couch not cough sorry.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to Rogerwyatt7890

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