
My mom's hands and neck have been shaking. Hospice is just telling me that she is declining, as she is in stage 7 of Alzheimer's. But I just don't know if I should get her checked out for this.

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Thank you yep my mom is her head hands and now her feet..thanks for of today she cannot bear weight on her legs at all had to move to a hoyer...thanks again..
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My mom's hands would shake a little and sometimes she would get it in her legs. It started in her neck, moved on to her hands.
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My 75 YO mom has dementia after a brain stem stroke in several small strokes she has moderate dementia..getting worse every day..her hands shake really bad and she spills things neurologist said she has essential tremors which is inherited and he said my or my sister will have it..said it effects half of children born to these parents..example..if you have 10 kids and u have it 5 out of the 10 kids will have it
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Hi threeboys...I do have another question for you can you tell me if your mom's hands shake seems her hands shake more than her head..thanks.
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Thanks you three boys yep I though my mom was having little mini strokes..but that's what hospice tole me to the she is just declining..thanks
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My mother had that too when she got to stage 7 Alzheimer's. No one ever could tell me what caused it. We did have the neurologist look at it once, but we just got told the usual--that it was part of the progression of the disease. I noticed it especially in her neck.
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