Loneliness in the Elderly

Loneliness in the Elderly : Advice, tips and support for family caregivers and seniors experiencing loneliness brought on by isolation or lack of companionship. Get help, recommendations, and emotional support from the experience of other caregivers.

Loneliness Articles

  • Combatting the Epidemic of Loneliness in Seniors

    Isolation and loss are two side effects of aging that can negatively impact one’s physical and mental health. Discover how to help lonely seniors reengage with their surroundings and pursue meaningful social connections.

  • Isolation and Loneliness in Caregiving

    Loneliness is an unfortunate byproduct of caregiving that exacts an emotional toll and can jeopardize one’s physical health. Take these steps to combat isolation and nurture your relationships while caregiving.

  • Reducing Loneliness: How to Help Seniors During the Holidays

    The holidays should be merry and bright, but many elders feel increasingly isolated and unhappy this time of year. Use these tips to brighten up an aging loved one’s winter season.

  • Caregivers Can Be Each Other’s Best Friend

    After more than 40 years, my childhood friend and I reconnected several years ago and were amazed to find that we fell back into step after all of those years. Our common connection: caregiving.

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