
  • How to Identify and Minimize Caregiver Burden

    The heavy burden of caregiving can gradually overwhelm even the most devoted and best prepared individuals. Take a caregiver burden assessment to determine your level of burnout and find resources to reduce the stress of caring for an aging loved one.

  • Dementia Caregiving Tips from Teepa Snow

    Five dementia caregiving tips from Teepa Snow, acclaimed dementia care authority and occupational therapist known as “the horse whisperer of dementia.”

  • 4 Caregiving Essentials

    Those who are caring for a loved one, including home health aides, registered nurses and social workers, witness some of the patient's most vulnerable moments. These are a few essential points professionals may see that could easily fly under the radar for family members, friends or even a routine checkup.

  • Strategies for Getting (and Staying) Organized While Caregiving

    Elder care is a continual learning process, but a few simple organization techniques can help you minimize caregiver stress and use your time and energy more efficiently.

  • Life As a Caregiver: How to Make Tough Care Decisions

    Caregivers often face challenging decisions regarding their loved ones’ care. Here are some strategies for maintaining your sanity, even when making the most difficult choices.

  • Helping vs. Enabling: How to Strike a Balance While Caregiving

    Family members are often forced to decide between giving in to what a senior wants (or demands) and doing what is best for them. A veteran caregiver offers her tips for recognizing the difference between helping and enabling a loved one.

  • Find Care & Housing
  • Caregiving Needs to Be a Team Effort

    Family caregivers can't do everything on their own. Putting together a care team that includes doctors, family, neighbors, friends, and even outsiders can help a caregiver provide better care, build a network of support and avoid burnout.

  • Things You Should Never Say To a Caregiver

    Even well-intentioned comments and questions can be hurtful when they come from someone who doesn’t understand what family caregivers are going through.

  • LOL: Reduce Caregiver Stress with a Good Laugh

    Caregivers desperately need to decompress and lift their spirits. One way to go about reducing caregiver stress is to teach yourself how to laugh despite the everyday challenges of caring for an aging loved one.

  • 5 Questions to Determine the Impact of Caregiving

    Many of us dive into caregiving with full hearts and little forethought. Doing some honest soul searching can help you sort out your priorities, set goals for your loved one’s care and establish your own boundaries.

  • The 4 Most Challenging Caregiver Situations

    Caring for aging family members throws many challenges our way. Explore strategies for helping an aging loved one with toileting, bathing, dining out, and navigating public outings as they become part of your regular care routine.

  • 8 Government Resources Every Caregiver Should Know About

    Federal, state and local governments offer many services and benefits for seniors and their caregivers, but few people know these resources exist or how to access them. This is your go-to guide for elderly assistance programs.

  • Wise Words from Mum on Living with Dementia

    Caring for Mom: Mum has been steadily declining and is struggling with how to enjoy life despite her growing limitations. Depression and dementia go hand in hand, it seems.

  • A Caregiver’s Tips: Taking a Vacation When Your Loved One Has Dementia

    Caregivers need respite, but the thought of spending time away from our care recipients is often anxiety-inducing. Based on the success of our latest experience, I came up with five tips for dementia caregivers who are planning a holiday.

  • Repetition & Dementia: Navigating Mum’s Question Loop

    Like many other dementia patients, my mother repeatedly asks a handful of complex and emotionally charged questions. This is how I try to set her mind at ease.

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  • Family Caregiving Isn’t Easy. Here’s How to Know When You Need Help.

    Many seniors wish to age in place, and family caregivers are often able to provide the support they need for a while. However, it’s important to recognize when hiring in-home care for elderly loved ones becomes necessary.

  • Caregiver Tip: Companion Cards for Coping With Dementia Behaviors in Public

    Memory problems and dementia-related behavior changes can get you into some sticky situations. As a caregiver, I’ve discovered a simple solution for making outings less stressful and more successful: “dementia companion cards.”

  • How to Choose a Home Care Agency

    Find out how to choose the best home care agency by gathering information about providers, evaluating their quality, and getting cost estimates.

  • Elder Care Plan 101: Set Yourself Up for Success as a Caregiver

    Learn how to discuss long-term care planning, form an elder care team, create a printable daily care plan, and find the support you need to implement a successful caregiving strategy.

  • A Self-Help Approach to Coping with Caregiver Stress

    It’s easy to get caught up in caregiving and let your own needs take a backseat, but your physical and mental health directly affect the quality of care you provide. Put yourself first by learning how to prioritize self-care and prevent caregiver burnout.

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