Family Caregiver

  • Caring for a Loved One with Dementia: It Takes a Village

    After only a few weeks with his daughter, Charlie is now back home. Although he is happy to be back, providing all of his care without the VA's help has been a challenge for me. I feel for caregivers who have limited or no help on this journey.

  • Give Thanks for the Good Days

    After a week of restlessness and discomfort, Mom finally had a day of peace. It’s times like these that get me through the difficult days of dementia and its progression.

  • Once a Caregiver, Always a Caregiver

    I'm Sandy Morris. I cared for my husband for 15 years following his cancer diagnosis, and I have been working in the elder care industry for 3 years. I'm excited to be able to share my experiences and provide helpful information for other caregivers.

  • Every Caregiver Needs a 'Treasure Chest'

    As my mom struggles, I feel helpless and it breaks my heart. We have been on a journey with dementia for 16 years now and the good times are gifts that I store away for a rainy day.

  • Technology, Caregiving and My Patient

    It is difficult enough to try to manage a loved one's finances in addition to your own, but how do you get access to the corresponding online accounts that they have set up? Online banking and other accounts pose unique problems for a dementia caregiver.

  • What Happens When the Caregiver Passes Before the Patient?

    Have you ever considered what would happen to your loved one if you couldn’t care for them? When another person depends on you for so much, it’s crucial to plan for the worst and hope for the best.

  • Find Care & Housing
  • Hospitalization and the Dementia Patient

    Charlie has been in the hospital for a couple of weeks with endocarditis. This ordeal was complicated further by his dementia, causing intense confusion and hallucinations. Only time will tell if his mental state will improve along with his health.

  • Celine Dion: Singer, Spousal Caregiver, Example of Strength

    Celine Dion's husband, René Angélil, battled throat cancer for 15 years. Dion shares her personal experiences of caring for and supporting him and discusses how she stayed strong in spite of such dire circumstances.

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  • The Ambiguity of Grief

    Coming to terms with losing a loved one is a gradual process. But when someone is slowly fading away due to something like dementia, the process can feel premature and conflicting. This is called ambiguous or unresolved grief.

  • The Unexpected Gifts of Grandmotherhood

    Forging relationships with little ones is exciting and rewarding. Grandchildren can spark a deeper connection with our own parents and grandparents—even those who may no longer be with us.

  • Thoughts on Dementia Care, Relationships and Being a Burden

    I frequently think about what the future holds for my wife Marja and me. I am afraid of one day becoming a burden to my family, but I actively try to focus on the present instead of the unknown.

  • The Home-Based VA Care Program

    Charlie recently fell ill, but we had a difficult time determining what was wrong. Our team from the Home-Based VA Care Program was punctual, determined, and considerate throughout the entire process, and for that I am grateful.

  • Am I a Caregiver? Defining the Family Caregiver Role

    Many individuals struggle to accept the label of “family caregiver,” but fully embracing this role increases our chances of succeeding in it.

  • Maybe It's Not Dementia After All

    After my father fell, his dementia seemed to progress rapidly. I learned firsthand that delirium can be a puzzling side effect of hospitalization in people of all ages.

  • Help is Available for Veterans through the VA

    After one stint of my husband refusing to bathe for six weeks, I finally admitted to myself and his VA doctor that I needed some help at home. This is our incredible experience with the VA’s home-based care programs.

  • A Poem for Loved Ones With Dementia

    A veteran caregiver shares a touching poem she wrote in honor of her mother who has Alzheimer's disease.

  • This is What 16 Years of Caregiving Taught Me

    I have been my mother's caregiver for the past 16 years. Along the way, I and have learned many things about dementia. I have jotted them down here to share with you.

  • Pros and Cons of the New Nursing Home Compare Ratings

    Medication management has been one of my biggest challenges as a caregiver. The new Nursing Home Compare Ratings are trying to make things better, but a caregiver still has to be an advocate for their loved one's health.

  • It’s Not about Being Warm, It’s about Knowing Someone Cares

    Working with caregiving youth constantly teaches me lessons about what's really important in life, like how a blanket can be so much more than something that keeps you warm at night.

  • Why Caregivers Shouldn’t Judge Each Other

    As caregivers, we need to offer each other support, not judgment. Each of our journeys is unique and we can learn a lot by sharing our insights.

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