
I really thought we would have about another week. I did kiss her and told her I loved her each time lately. I just of course wished I had another week. At least her suffering is over.

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I’m so sorry for your loss. Someone once said to me Deep grief comes from deep love, and I promise that only the love lasts forever.  The sentiment helped me when I lost my Dad in 2021.

My deepest condolences, Riverdale. May you be at peace now as she is.

I'm sorry Riverdale.

Sending my condolences Riverdale.

So sorry to hear this. Condolences.

I’m very sorry for your loss and wish you peace at this difficult time.

So sorry for ur loss

Of course you wanted 1 more week, and that 1 more would be 1 more.
What if you had the 1 more week and didn't know it?
What if you got your wish and had 1 more, what would you have done differently? I am guessing you would have done the exact same thing.
You were blessed with the time you had.
And as I have mentioned to others be thankful that you had a mom that you wanted to have 1 more week with. Many people on this site do not have that.
I am sorry for your loss.

I like this.."deep grief comes from deep love, and I promise that only the love lasts forever" Thank you!

Oh RD, I feel a mixture of relief and sorrow to read this post. Your mother's suffering has finally come to an end and you can both rest in peace with that knowledge after such a long arduous journey. You've gone above and beyond as her devoted DD bringing her the fruity Starbucks drinks she loved lately, and now I'm crying yet again. Ugh. I'm sorry for your loss, my friend. God bless you and ease your grief in the coming days.

I'm sorry for your loss.

I lost my mom last Fall. I'm still in the stages of grief and sometimes it hits me hard that she's gone.

But, I wouldn't wish her back for one minute. I know where she is and that her tired, worn body is at rest.

RD, I am so sorry for your loss. It is such s bittersweet feeling when they are suffering and pass. I don't think we can ever truly prepare for our mom dying, I think you would have felt like more time any time she went.

May The Lord Jesus give you grieving mercies, strength and peace for this new season in your life.

Big HUG!!

I'm sorry for your loss. May God bless you and keep you and make his face to shine upon you. May He comfort you and bring you peace.

Im so sorry Riverdale. ♡


I’m so sorry for your loss. You have been through so much with your mom. You will miss her.

Riverdale, sorry to hear your news. You’ve been a blessing to your mom, I’m sure she knew your love. I wish you comfort and peace

Riverdale, my deepest condolences on the loss of your beloved mom. I know what you mean about being conflicted about wanting more time and wanting your parent to be at peace. It’s so hard.

So sorry to hear this.

Peaceful thoughts to you today & all the days + nights. Adjustment & grief take time. Be gentle to yourself.

Thank you all for such very kind words and thoughts. It is a relief to know my mother's suffering is over as it had become very great primarily due to worsening bedsores she had been living with for a year and a half. She fought a long and hard fight. I believe her earlier Christian Science beliefs kept her from acknowledging impending death. I have never agreed with that religion but in her mind it must have given her some sense of peace to keep her from all her afflictions. You have all been a great support system to me for some time and I am grateful to all of you for that and I truly appreciate the kind words and thoughts.

Oh, Riverdale, I’m both sorry for your loss, and grateful that your mom’s suffering has finally come to an end.

She suffered for so long, after getting dropped. What a hard time for you both.

Sending hugs, and prayers for your comfort and peace.

"let the beauty of what you love be what you do" -Rumi (now what do you do with what you know about time) RCIA taught me "there is no time or space with your soul" and the dying process of transition has taught that to be true . spirit level . soul level . othrr dimensions of being . study chakra energy and reiki healing . what looks like the end is also a beginning, maybe that is what your mom showed you in thatmoment. be strong and power through. she is proud of your journey already.

I'm sure you have many treasured good memories of your mom. May they help you smile as you journey through grief.

So sorry for your loss.

Sending peace to you both on your new journeys.

Keep the wonderful memories in your heart.

Save a memory box, a video collage of photos, flowers, a photo shelf in your home an area to celebrate her life.
pay tribute to her memory. I’ve also had memorial celebrations or vigils to celebrate a life along with the standard memorial funerals.
During COVID we lost my mother but held a vigil years later. She’s adorable and always in my heart ❤️.
I am sad that you lost your mother and hopefully every day will bring peace.,

Just want to offer my condolences on the loss of your Mom.

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