
Mine wants a pill for any and everything! She even thinks collagen makes her feel better. There’s a OTC called Move Free, she swears she moves free with it!

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Does your loved on have dementia, Stressed?
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She’s been tested and they say absolutely not! She can recite presidents in reverse back to Kennedy and then some. Her memory is uncanny!
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She’s as sharp as a whip! Mentally she blows me away. She is a narcissist and enjoys seeing people worried about her, she thrives attention! Going to the hospital see feels so important and of course she lies about why she’s there, telling everyone a complete fabricated overexageration of what really is wrong. Last week she had an upper respiratory infection, told everyone she was in icu (isolation) because she had pneumonia and the flu! No she wasn’t and did not have flu or pneumonia! She thrives on being sick and the attention she get. She will gossip and tell everyone every single detail about HER!!!! Everything is all about Nancy!
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My dad has Alzheimers and he has recently started moaning and groaning at everything, acting like everything hurts him. We are not sure if he ate something that is stuck in his stomach or if he is faking it. Since he has lost control of his bowels, it is annoying when we try to clean him, he moans and groans like we are hurting him, when we are just cleaning him. I feel for you. It is hard to know if just to ignore it thinking he is doing it for attention, or to call an ambulance. He does not know what is going on, so if you ask him if he hurts, he will point to his leg and say yes from here to here, when he says it is "gas" pains. He just started doing this so we hope he stops it soon. Will be interested in hearing from other care givers. My dad is 88.
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What is your question, Stressed? Are you wondering if there are people on here whose loved ones are narcissists? There certainly are! Do a search on narcissist, to connect with some of them.

What is your role in her life? Do you live with her? Does she need caregiving? How do you cope?
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my mom is the same way. Ironically, my dad is the guy with Alzheimers and aside from the care needs he typically might have he is very easy to deal with. My mom has some kind of neurotic disorder and drives everyone nuts. We suggest she get counseling help to deal with the stress she has in dealing with my dad but is too damn arrogant to think she needs it.
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My question is why does she pretend to be crying and in such agony begging for pills?!? They did mri, X-rays and ct scan....there is nothing wrong or broken! She will fall asleep for a few hours then start in!
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She does it for attention. She wants you to feel sorry for her. My grandmother did the same thing. She didn't understand that it drove people away from her. She would tell her toddler great grandson that "Nana was going to die soon!" then do the fake cry. The poor kid would be all upset when he got home fearing she would die. My cousin was furious with her but no one had the nerve to tell her to knock it off.
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Yes and I've seen it every person I know of with dementia. People who had always told everyone else to buck up and take it, suddenly just helping them with their sweater - 'Ouch, that hurts!" I asked a home nurse about it and she said, 'Oh yes, my own dad tells people every other week that he will die at any minute.' It's like they turn into kids again. It's like 'Fred Sanford' - if they really are in bad shape, will anyone pay attention?
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