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What he really needs is a tongue scraper/cleaner. Mine is made of stainless steel. 3 gentle swipes a day takes off so much goop you can't believe it...and this is after I've ALREADY brushed my tongue! It rinses clean under the faucet. It does not cause a gag reflex. You can probably find them online. I got mine from a catalog years ago. It will never wear out. You can get plastic ones at a drug store, but I think steel is better. People in other countries/cultures commonly use these every day.
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Hydrogen peroxide (watered down) is a good an safe rinse and will kill all the "bugs." If you choose a commercial rinse, find an all natural one. You want to avoid alcohol and other "chemicals." I order online or go to my natural food store. (the products I use are from the "Natural Dentist.")
Does he have dentures? Right after each meal, have him chew on parsley. It has chlorophyll and will get rid of the odor. Also, mints that have natural peppermint (like Altoids) are great and are good for a queasy stomach too.
Maybe his brush is too hard or too big. Try buying a small, soft child's brush. I actually use one because my mouth is small.
You may want to look at the things he is eating. It may be a stomach issue. For example, drinking too much coffee gives some people bad breath...something to do with the acids in coffee.
good luck
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Will he do a mouth rinse? Like hydrogen peroxide?
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My mom had CHRONIC bad breath for at least 10 -15 years. It wasn't her teeth, gums, tongue it came from her stomach. It wasn't until she was lying on her deathbed that she finally had 'normal' breath. No one ever really knew why she had it, and no doctor really tried to find out why. All we knew was it didn't originate from her mouth.
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I had chronic bad breath for years, even though I would brush, scrape my tongue, etc. Then I discovered Biotene and the problem is solved. The make a toothpaste, mouthwash and dry mouth spray. Maybe your father would use the mouthwash even if he doesn't want to brush. Good luck with it!
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If your dad has no teeth, it probably doesn't make much sense to him to use a "tooth"brush but using a mouthwash and/or a scraper, as suggested by the others who have answered your question, might seem logical to him. And if not, mints might be tempt him. Good luck.
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lol tactfully, of course. perhaps mention that you've been using mouth wash and it really helps with food taste or something. my hubby has no teeth, and getting him to rinse is like, um, pulling teeth. I get a bit blunt. "No kisses until you rinse, dear." It helps if I hand the cup to him and wait.
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Bad breath is not necessarily from not brushing the tongue or the teeth. Bad breath can originate from impacted feces in the large and small colon. With decaying food in the colon, one can have bad body odor and or bad breath. Colonics are needed, at least one every month for 3-4 months. All of the answers above are excellant, however, do not get to the root of the problem.
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