
I'm about a month into the caregiving role for my grandma-in-law. Her caregiver before me was her son Gary, who was very verbally abusive. He's been in hospice the past couple weeks, but he passed away two days ago. My mother-in-law came over yesterday to tell her Gary died. She was upset of course, no Mother should have to bury her son. This morning she asked me if I heard from Gary. I said no Mammy, he died a couple days ago. I reassure her that she's not alone and that me and her favorite grandson live with her now. She of course was upset again, as if it was the first time she was told this. Is she better off not being told that her son died every d*mn day? Of course she needs to know, and we tell her, but her dementia just doesn't allow her to retain it. Every morning is like a brand new day. My husband and I plan on clearing out Gary's room, repainting it, and making it an art room. Maybe that will be the big tell-all. It breaks my heart to tell her that her son has died everyday. I could use any advice you guys have! Thanks!

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Stop telling her.
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Stephanitely86, I see from your profile that your G-Mom-in-law has Alzheimer's/Dementia, thus she isn't going to remember from one day to the next.

So the next time she asks where is Gary, just make up an excuse that he is busy, out-of-town, etc. Otherwise, G-Mom-in-law will grieve everyday as though it was the first time she heard the news.
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Yes this is true, I've mentioned to my mother in law that we can't have her depressed every day! She thinks if we tell her enough that it'll eventually stick. It seems wrong, but that's what I've been instructed to say. Millie (gma inlaw) is in the very early stages of dementia- she's very aware of who we are and that we're there for her, but she repeats herself almost every ten minutes, whether it's asking me if I've eaten yet (even though she was sitting with me at dinner eating the same meal), or just repeating old stories of her growing up. I know it's not right to keep reminding her that her son passed away, but my mother in law says it's what we have to do.
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Stephanitely, as everyone told you on the other threads - GIL has dementia. Her brain is broken. It can't retain new info properly any more. You can tell her over and over. It won't stick. Your MIL can tell her over and over if she wants. I personally would just say that I was sure he was busy "taking care of stuff" and move on. If you are dealing with the fallout telling GIL, it seems cruel to me. And you don't seem like you enjoy telling her over and over on the bad news. Take care.
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There are ways and ways.

Clearly it is now firmly in GMIL's mind that there is something afoot to do with Gary. But she cannot retain what that something is.

She has a right to know. It is not wrong to tell her. But she doesn't need to comprehend it all now, this minute, and you don't have to rub her nose in it.

When GMIL asks if you have heard from Gary, you could ask her what made her think of him. Turn it into a conversation about Gary, and encourage her to talk about him if she wants to. If it becomes worrying or distressing for her, try distraction - say you'll ask your MIL next time you speak to her, but it's time for lunch/supper/her favourite TV programme just now. Essentially, the key thing is to let Millie lead the conversation. She may eventually process what has happened, or she may never. Focus on her right to be told the truth about her son and deliver it as gently as you can: your concern is Millie's welfare, not Gary's dues or MIL's frustration.

Is your MIL - this is Gary's sister, is it? - worrying about what to do about Gary's funeral?

Go easy on MIL too, and if you have to disagree with her about what to tell GMIL do it sympathetically. It's bad enough to lose your brother without the added grief of your mother being unable to understand it.
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We lost our brother a month ago and never told Mom. No reason for her to be told, as she wouldn't retain it but only grieve. It is very hard to not share our own grief, but then it makes it about us & not her. Living our her remaining years safe, happy, and as content as possible is what we are trying to do.
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It's simply not able to "stick", Stephanitely86. There is no way for this lady's brain to hold this sad information no matter what MIL says, thinks, believes.
Take the advice of so many experienced carers and talk around the subject. And as someone else mentioned, I, too, believe it is cruel to keep telling sad news to someone living with dementia.
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Steph, you are right. Stop telling GIL! Tell MIL to stop. Nobody wants GIL grieving each day as if the death is new info.

My mom at age 86 with moderate dementia did not remember the deaths of her parents. Each time she asked and someone told her the deaths were 15 and 50 years ago she would start the grief process all over again. She also became angry that nobody had told her. These times were very difficult for all.

I suggest getting two copies of the 36-Hour Day. One for MIL and one for you and read them. Discuss what you both have read with MIL. Find a caregiver support group. Read this site.

I hope this situation works out for you, and that you and hubby have regular time away together. Care situations like this are very hard on marriages and you both as individuals.
Helpful Answer (4)

Do NOT keep repeating facts about any death.
For a person with any type of dementia every time you tell them about a death it is like they are learning about it for the first time. Imagine having a loved one die everyday.
When she asks about Gary tell her..
He can not come see you today.
He went out for a while
He had a Doctor appointment
He went to the store
He took the car in for service
He is in the bathroom
Any number of things will work.
Once you tell her that Gary is not available right now ask what you can do, change the subject, ask her a question, anything that will deflect the subject from Gary onto something else.
This goes for any other sad, traumatic or disturbing event. Depending on how severe the dementia is I probably would not inform her of another death if something like that happens. It does no good to put her through that even once if she is not going to remember.
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Doesn't matter what she remembers or believes. Just be agreeable and kind. It's a good lesson for us younger people who get so wrapped up in "identity " and accomplishments ans ego- a dementia patient can be (aand is) whoever they want to be and their personal history often changes or isn't known. It has its plusses and minuses -
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Focus on kindness and comfort. News, any news really, is irrelevant.

You might like this book: "Creating Moments of Joy." The title is enough to tell you our task as caregivers.
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If it upsets her, don't tell her over and over despite what MIL wants you to do. She will NOT remember. Little things we learned when dealing with mom was to not focus on something that might upset, redirect focus to something else. If necessary, as others have said, a simple response is to say that he is occupied, away or something along those lines. Then change subject to something else.
As for MIL, the same thing we learned would work for her - yes her to death and ignore her. You will not be able to stop her from saying this herself, unless some of the reference material others have suggested help. If her mind cannot be changed, again, just agree and ignore! Your nose may grow (;-)) but it takes the stress off of you.
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Are you planning a funeral or memorial?
Take her to it....fix up the room, and unless she asks let it go.
He went away.
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Same here, MAC. My mother began to ask about her mother, her sisters, all long gone. She was mostly "just checking."
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Well, I guess by now, you've got your answer as to whether you should try to acclimate Mammie to Gary's passing. All answers given to you to NOT tell her, in my mind, is sound advice. When my mother talks about her family that has passed long ago, I remind her that they died. THEN she is reoriented and says....oh, that's right. But their deaths occurred before her dementia and a rather long time ago. Poor Mammie,.....after a while, tho, she will even forget about him and enter a new level of dementia. Hang in there and kudos to you for taking care of her at home.
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I agree with Countrymouse. Sometimes people with dementia are "with it" and sometimes they're in another world.

I would share with them the bad news once when she's having a good day and able to understand. Let her grieve that day and the rest of the time when she asks, leave it alone and change the subject to something positive such as taking her for a ride, out to eat, or just making something that she enjoys for dinner, etc.
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You should visit Alzheimers Reading Room website. Also known as Dementia Reading Room. A wealth of resources for just these types of questions. NO! Dementia patients do NOT always need to know the truth! They can become VERY upset and their overall behavior will suffer. My Mother-in-Law often asked about her sister who had died. We either said we didn't know what she was doing,or where she was, or "maybe she went to visit her daughter", or whatever! And she soon forgot about the whole conversation. Search
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I appreciate everyone's responses and experiences! It's been a number of days and the information has actually stuck with her. It was slow to start but she has obtained the information and tells me about how she's feeling everyday. Mammy and I have grown a special bond and I truly care for my husband's grandma as if she were my own. Because we're in the early stages of dementia I suppose it wasn't as difficult as we'd all imagined it to be, but she says "life is cruel sometimes but it's best when we don't have to suffer." She's processed it, gotten through funeral services, and even assisted me in the process of clearing out his bedroom. I plan to make it a painting room, a hobby both Mammy and I love. It hasn't been easy getting through this tragic time in her life, but we're getting through it together. Thanks
Helpful Answer (2)

Type in Teepa Snow & watch her vidios. Fantastic. Go to Alzheimer's Reading Rm. & read topics also Google Understanding The Dementia Experience. You will learn a lot & be prepared for next phase. I also have a battery operated parrot $20 from Amazon my alz hubby talks to. Remember their world they cannot learn but in your world you can. Think of them as a 5 yr old in hugh store lost that's how they feel & later will need to be able to see you always. I tell my hubby he will never be alone. Someone will always be w him. Sometimes I use the theropudiated lies. He won't remember in 1 min. & satisfies him. Keep reading ahead of phases & join a support group. Ours meets weekly & we laugh over some things & cry too. GOD BLESS! ALWAYS SMILE.
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gRandma1954.... Perfectly said. I can't imagine someone being reminded that a loved one has died 'every single day'. Hang it up, leave it alone. Move on to make a happier day for that loved one :) instead.
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