
MIL is in rehab and husband was just told by his brother that in order to see their mother he has to make an appointment. I didn’t even know they were letting visitors in yet and not to happy about him going to the rehab anyway and being exposed to Covid.

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In our state, they only allow through-the-window visits. We can't even have the window open so the care person calls my cell phone and puts dad on speaker.
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Sis in LTC. We now do scheduled "window" visits. She is behind a plastic shield from 3 sides full length. They do not want more than 1 group per resident during each time slot-only 2 visiting areas. They bring her outside at the appointment time I am there on the other side of the screen. She can see me-she does not focus on me, she cries most visits-i am sure other visitor/family is not happy about the noise sis is making during their precious visit with their person. Sis wants to really be with me-do the stuff we used to do before covid. I try to talk on the phone with her she needs assistance to get to the phone and told to hold it by her face. This weekend call lasted a few minutes before she was crying and walked away from the phone-i could hear her moving around but she was not talking just crying. I could do window visits before in the lobby/entrance area. Sis was in the visiting area i was in the vestibule-doorways on each end=parking lot and reception-was all they would do since covid.
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Is it possible he is referring to a FaceTime appointment? I am a little surprised by this, however, facilities have come to see that the complete isolation of people has been extremely detrimental to residents. It will probably be per CDC recommendations: outside, distanced, no contact, with masks. That's how it went with my MIL's visit in her SNF.
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