
So, not to make excuses, but this conversation was 1. unexpected and 2. took place after a sleep deprived morning where yet another person did not do what they were supposed to do: Mom's dementia is not to the point where she can't be left alone at all, though I supposed that is a subjective opinion. Dad knew he had to be back by noon to let the upholstery guy in the house who confirmed he would be here between 12 and 1 PM. At 11:30, running late for work having dealt with one of Dad's other issues (he couldn't connect with his grass person to let her know his complaint), I come out of the bathroom to find the upholsterer in the house, let in by mom. I had found the in home aide had done yet another ....well, it was---shitty! job last week, so I cancelled it with more than 24 hours notice leaving a message on the company's voice mail. But being conscientious, I called the next day once at work and obviously trained to generate happy clients, I wound up being passed on to an administrative type who wanted to know about my dissatisfaction. Early on in the conversation this person told me she would appreciate it if I would "watch my language". To be honest I had no awareness of what I had said, aside from being 99% sure I did not use the F word, and think as above I used the word shitty because that's what it was! I was so stunned by her comment I was speechless. In retrospect, laughing, I will tell you here that I replayed that scene and REALLY wanted to say in response, "What the F is YOUR problem?" But seriously, we gave this company lots of money for virtually no help. It created more stress for me than relieved any. I didn't feel I should have to do an hour of prep work to make sure the aide knew what to do and how to do it or follow/supervise her. I had confirmed my expectations of light housekeeping were reasonable. Since no progress was made in getting my mother to shower, I felt I should have my burden relieved somehow for $20/hour and a four hour stint at that. The admin did convey a willingness to help, but really there was nothing to be done, which I had said at the outset. These are supposed to be the best. The best did the kitchen that was NOT to be touched by emptying a toaster oven crumb tray and putting it back upside down, scratched up a protective film on our fridge, and smeared a glass top table in addition to not being able to neatly make a bed (nearly to the floor on one side, high up on the other). The newer aide for the 2nd week did not dust a mirrored tray on the dresser, and wiped a 3" band across the top of a high dresser. Leaving the rest dusted. So yes, I thought it was a shitty job! What do you all think? I wished I remembered my french well enough to respond back!

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Wow I'm so glad I ran across this all are too much. Sooo funny. I'd call it like it is too, if it's shitty just say so. LOL!! 😂😂
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When I took care of my nephew (has autism), everyday after school was a 'bleep...fest', cuz he was so frustrated. Mainly I would stay calm & wait till it was over, (try not to laugh sometimes), & then just get on with dinner.
Puberty years were the worst, but he's grown up very kind & polite. (I think I swear more than he does now, just not in front of him). He lives with his dad now, who doesn't swear much, but gets into brawls still (50 yrs old). Yikes.
We're like Jerry Springer people, lol.
Helpful Answer (2)

My guidelines for word choice are that if I wouldn't use it in a business letter then I wouldn't use it in conversation with anyone besides my husband and best friends who know me well enough to know that I have command of a good vocabulary.

Housekeeping, however light, is best done by a housekeeper. Clearly the aide does not like to clean your parents' house or finds their house not up to her standards of cleanliness. Hire a cleaning service.
Helpful Answer (1)

I have heard worse words than shitty!! Co-k sucker, mother fuc—- and a shitload more words that are more offensive than shitty!!
Helpful Answer (2)
anonymous828521 Sep 2019
Holy 🐄 cow!
It was said that my grandma cursed a lot, but I never heard it. Granny mostly spoke Czech, but maybe learned the swearing from my uncle, (he drank a lot & was in the army).
cwillie...thanks...not so much a typical word in my vocabulary speech, at least publicly...but again, an adjective...maybe not the best choice at that and I certainly will be more aware in the future...of my choice of words...
Helpful Answer (1)

Today I met a daughter-caregiver who was so posh that my supervisor thought she must be related to royalty. I don't think so myself, wrong sort of posh, but anyway I have to say that her language was appalling! She wasn't swearing and angry, she was a very nice lady; it was just that expletives formed part of her habitual vocabulary. I mentally turned into my mother and heard myself thinking "oh darling, really, how unnecessary!"

Hmm. I have also noticed that since I stopped listening to politics on the news all day my own language has improved beyond measure.
Helpful Answer (6)
gdaughter Sep 2019
No more CNN, more HGTV LOL! ALthough I'm guessing there is a blooper /bleeper reel somewhere that will be a special one day and I cannot wait to see it!
Having worked in customer service (and I will never do it again because they don’t pay you enough to put up with all the abuse), my perspective is a bit different. I don’t use foul language and I rarely lose my cool and that is because after being screamed at and called offensive names and being expecting to put up with verbal abuse for too long, I understand that the person on the other end of the line isn’t the person who made you upset. They aren’t the one who did something wrong. It’s not fair to unleash your frustrations at them. Using foul language as everyone said, gives them an out. It allows them to end the call. I didn’t have the luxury unfortunately, I had to take the abuse and treat the customer with respect regardless otherwise I would have lost my job. I worked for a tow truck company that was contracted with every law enforcement agency in the county to tow impounded, abandoned & wrecked vehicles. The company also had contracts with various businesses and apartment complexes who needed cars towed that weren’t allowed to be there (private property tows). Even though I wasn’t the one who parked the car on private property, or got arrested and ultimately got the car towed and even though I wasn’t the one who ordered the car towed or towed the car, I was the one who took the brunt of the abuse from the understandably angry customer. I had no involvement in any of it yet I was the one the customer blamed. So that is why I don’t take out my frustrations on the person on the other end of the line when I have to make a complaint. They aren’t the one who caused me to be upset in the first place.
Helpful Answer (3)
cwillie Sep 2019
It sounds to me as though the word was used as though it was a normal part of speech, albeit used in a complaint,not that the OP "went off" on the voice mail.
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I too have a potty mouth at home, but NEVER use it in my business nor would I EVER leave it in a voice message at a professional business.

You get more bees with honey then with vinegar.

Not it on board with this. As said below, once you give in to using vulgar terms in a professional environment, you lose.
Helpful Answer (3)
gdaughter Sep 2019
This has turned into a longish discussion, so just to briefly clarify/restate, imo the word shitty is an adjective may not have been the best choice, but I used it once in reference to the cleaning job, and it slipped out not because I regularly use such language but because it was a crappy job. I had not anticipated nor asked for any opportunity to discuss it, and I had left a voice mail without any of the naughty words the night prior to make sure they did not send an aide in a day. I called back to confirm they received the message and it was the person who answered who passed me on to this other person who wanted to know more details...and at that point I had been holding back much frustration so it slipped out; also note that prior to the conclusion of the call there were apologies by both of us, though in retrospect I am sorry she was offended, but not as sorry for what I said. Lesson learned in spite of it all.
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I've been working to clean up my language, both oral and written, because habitual use can lead to unconscious use. There used to be words you'd never hear on TV or the radio, now it seems as though every expletive imaginable has become acceptable to the degree that many are totally unaware that what comes out of their mouths might cause offence.
Helpful Answer (4)
Shell38314 Sep 2019
I would have to agree!!
This begs to ask if the term "halfassed" is also offensive.
Helpful Answer (4)
Isthisrealyreal Sep 2019
I had the same thought.

I believe that a company that would give a customer the run around would use any opportunity to not take responsibility for the shi++y halfass job they getting.
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Here is my 2 cents on swearing: I would love to say I don't swear, but I would be a lair! On a good day it may only be chit or a@@ on a bad day when I am trying to do something around the house--well you can imagine (don't judge). My dad swore all the time and my mother never did until about 6 or 7 yrs ago.

Anyways, I never swear when dealing with any business, no matter what the problem is, whether it is dealing with some thing like what you are talking about or trying to get some other matter done and the other person on the line is swearing at me. The reason being is because once you start swearing, even if, it is just the word chitting--you lose. The other person on the line have the right to hang up on you or they will just block (mentally) to what you are complaining about! My dad always said, "there is a time and a place for it, but it is never a time for it when dealing with business matters."
Helpful Answer (3)
gdaughter Sep 2019
A very good point...and to say again, this would not typically be me...nor was I looking for or expecting the opportunity to share my thoughts on the matter...but once that door was opened, it came forth, surprising me because I had not even realized I had used a bad word.
uh oh. You all just inspired me. I just got an idea. I could write an article for like, USA TOday and entitle it ...How sh---- is sh---y? ANd if it got published I could autograph a copy and send it to the person offended.
Helpful Answer (1)

You've mentioned the protective film on the fridge being damaged twice - uhm, you do know that is a shipping film that most people remove, right?
Helpful Answer (7)
AlvaDeer Sep 2019
This gives me serious giggles because it took me a while to realize this with my black microwave. Hee!
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So, I just read a post on FB and they were talking about the phonetic/pilots remember it this way...Sierra Hotel India Tango:-) I guess we should say, double Tango Yankee...I think I'm going to have to put it on a post it note to remember...
Helpful Answer (5)
anonymous828521 Sep 2019
Funny! 😳
I had a really clean mouth all those grueling years of raising my kids. Made it to age 60 before I dropped the F-bomb, but wow, did DH's ears perk up. I was talking to him (yelling?) and he was just beyond shocked. "You are a GRANDMOTHER! You do not talk like that?" It simply ended with "Well. if you would f-ing listen to me and do what I ask the first or second time I wouldn't be pushed to my limit. I'm 60. I'm gonna say what I want."

I think he lives in a little fear of what I may say next. But in many regions, phrases and words carry NO negative/filthy connotations. Whereas, in my younger years, the word 'fart' would get you in hot water. And now my baby grands use that and laugh hysterically. (BTW, I save the saltier phrases to get DH's attention and for that purpose only.)
Helpful Answer (4)
anonymous828521 Sep 2019
I feel what ur saying;) Midkid58. From so many poor job environments, I've become numb to swearing. But cannot tolerate the 'dirty talk' that so many jerks would use repeatedly (at my work). God, it was frightful.
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I was going to say that as with any word, its offensiveness has to be gauged in context.

But in THIS context, the issue is not whether you offended the woman, but that you had a goal - to express dissatisfaction and seek redress - and your use of a term which entitled her to take offence, or to claim to anyway, let her off the hook. Which is annoying. I think you should have gone for some money back, myself.

So marks out of ten for naughtiness, meh, four. Marks out of ten for strategy? - not so good. But the key question is: did you feel better for it? :)
Helpful Answer (4)
anonymous828521 Sep 2019
CM, I love your logical brain...;) & funny.
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Well, if any of you have been tagging along on this adventure filled with...bleep...By PURE COINCIDENCE, this showed up on Facebook in another page I follow about a ...deer:-) as a humorous commentary that will no doubt not be edited...but here it is:
Mom's Bleep List
Don't break any ****
Do not hit people with ***
Don't act like a little ****
Do not fight over ****
Don't touch other peoples ****
But most importantly
Don't make me lose my ****
:-) have a good Sunday all...take time to laugh and hug. And thanks again for the feedback.
Helpful Answer (5)
anonymous828521 Sep 2019
Happy I saw this, may copy & put on fridge!😱😀
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Exactly! But to be clear, I was getting mixed messages from the agency people, I did use the word to describe the work, not the staff--who btw were actually VERY nice people...just not capable and/or willing to do much...which actually is not fair about the 2nd she did show the initiative to start cleaning...but THEN she was the one who left the things undusted. It's interesting that you are not the first person here to think the comment made to me was to divert from the real point. As to filing a complaint, here's the kicker: I got a call shortly after we began this adventure asking for my permission to receive a call from a 3rd party about my experience/services etc. And I agreed; the person added that "of course if the service is not satisfactory, please let us know so that we can rectify the situation." I've never received the call; and the kicker is that I kept my mouth shut when the agency's marketing person stopped by my office to drop off some literature that included a satisfaction survey from one month LOL. I don't feel necessarily inclined to file a complaint with any governing bodies or the Better Business Bureau, but I am very motivated to communicate with our government reps to get legislation passed that would protect all of us as far as background checks and training of aides; that has less to do with these that end I will sadly note that I must have zero expectations of any cleaning efforts for which a premium price is being paid for a sitter service; and I am in the process of finding a cleaning resource. Again, it began as an attempt to have someone who could get mom to shower.
Helpful Answer (3)

I don't think expecting an aide to clean a bathroom blow out is beyond the expectations you should have. That's kinda the point of having someone in, making sure that the client is safe and clean. Having a nasty bathroom doesn't fulfill that in my world.

I do not understand the whole upset about using this word to describe the work, it would be different if you were cussing her or the worker herself. I think that the person used that to not accept responsibility for providing subpar work.

I would file a complaint with the governing agency and hire another agency.
Helpful Answer (2)

Good afternoon,

Since you asked..... Yes, here in the South, “shitty” is an offensive word. Have I ever said it? Yup, though my children and grandchildren get on to me if I do! I was raised rough!

Using profanity with a worker brings to the conversation a whole different level of coarseness and is an impediment to communication especially when dealing with the public.

Did you have a right to be angry? Probably so, but as one poster stated, using that word gave them an opportunity to stop listening to your point whether you were right or not. I was a public school teacher for 36 years. That word or words like it were never allowed in the classroom, nor in conversations with parents.
Helpful Answer (8)
gdaughter Sep 2019
Will definitely make note to not use word in the South:-) ANd although I recognize the error of my language, this particular worker did not shut down and as stated prior there were apologies from both of us before the conclusion of the call although I really don't feel it was the most horrible offense. But point taken.
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I'm usually pretty flexible, and delighted to have help who could play Scrabble or do puzzles or talk with my aunt.  They also did dishes, or my aunt's laundry and changed her bed.  My aunt could no longer be left alone. 

One caregiver did extra cleaning because she wanted to.  If she could not be there the required time, she called ahead and asked it she could at least clean on ....whatever day.  Usually I said yes, but one day when she said she was there and getting paid, she was not.  A friend stopped by at a time I'd expected the caregiver and was thus not home.  It was reported to admin, and reassured it would not happen again.  A few weeks later I had a 12:30 appointment on my "caregiver support group" day.  She was planning on starting at noon, so I walked the dog and returned, figuring I'd leave early.  She wasn't there. It was now 12:10 and the phone was recording a message from her.  I went in and played it back.  She 'forgot' she worked on that day (always did when I had that group) and had made a doc's appt. and forgot she had the appt.  What if I'd left at 12?  I was livid.  I called her and left a message (no, no swearing yet).  and I went nowhere.

Later she called back asking to clean on another day. I said NEVER.  Maybe I swore, don't remember.  I said she needed to call before her due-at-my-house time, and it was an appointment which I missed.  Then I decided to fire her.  It wasn't until after that that I called admin., who said that I let her walk all over me.  MY FAULT?  Pretty shitty.  Husband never felt comfortable with that caregiver.
Helpful Answer (2)
gdaughter Sep 2019
AH, is this not what the world calls blaming the victim? ANd just as an aside, I am rapidly becoming aware of timing and how important it is, at least for our household...we become dependent on people being at places when they say they will...and even coming early can be disruptive. Like the upholstery guy showing up early the other day and my just happening to still be home; or an aide showing up early when I"m in the process of letting my pup out prior and getting her safely away...
It just seems like we are (ahem) damned if we do, damned if we don't. In this whole experience I have been totally shocked...particularly at the one company that bawled me out for being angry when I left work for a 2nd appt with them for what I felt had been covered at the first appt, and the person due was a noshow with no phone call, no apology no nothing, like my time has no value. But boy, you cancel on them without notice and watch the bill still come through.
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I’m the last person on the planet to make judgments regarding the use of profanity.

I have a real “potty mouth”. In my defense - both my parents did too, and they were school teachers. You didn’t get in trouble - no one even blinked an eye - if you cussed in our house. Not unless you used the F Bomb. Not sure why, but F*ck was off limits.

In later years, even F*ck became a nonissue. My mother said it routinely and in the last conversation she had with my eldest brother she told him to “go F*ck yourself!”

I do believe society as a whole has become less sensitive to profanity - maybe because it’s used by almost everyone or vise versa.

My all time favorite TV show - The Leftovers, a HBO show was criticized when it began airing for its frequent use of the word F*ck. The show ran for three years and in its second to last episode it made fun of the fuss over F*ck. It was said so many times, had it been a drinking game you would have drunk yourself into a coma.

Now. I’m curious as hell as to what the AC sensor is gonna do with my post and with this thread. Good fun - but I’m easily entertained.
Helpful Answer (4)
cwillie Sep 2019
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After reading your post again I'm thinking that you have been paying for the wrong service, if cleaning is what you want then you should hire a cleaning service not a care service. Sure they might have promised light housekeeping, but people who train to be caregivers and are working for a caregiving agency can not really be expected to be top notch cleaners (nor should they have to be).
Helpful Answer (5)
worriedinCali Sep 2019
I was gonna say the same thing. You need to hire professional house cleaners if you want the house cleaned. Home care aides do very light cleaning so I think your expectations of them are too high.
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Eeeeeks, your mention of the four hour minimum and such makes me think this is the group I am thinking of if my bro moves back home, as he is threatening currently to do. Scary. He needs really zero care of himself, and is neat as the proverbial pin, but he would need driving to the bank, to shop, home, groceries unpacked, and the very light housekeeping, bed making. He has much prized pottery collection and wouldn't let anyone dust it for the world, so they are off light, to be certain.
I imagine the folks they send are as variable as folks anywhere. Some good and some awful. How are they to know if you do not tell them. You described it SO PERFECTLY here, that if that is what you told her I think she would have got it better than telling her it was a shitty job. (Though it sure sounds like a shitty job to ME). I think what is missing here is that they are clearly NOT checking up after their folks and do not know who is doing a good job. Your input is honestly invaluable to them, because people do need to be told.
I think she kind of "used" the "language thing" as a way to shut you down. I guess I might tuck my tail between my legs, call, and say "I was excited. For me it is a lot of money and I am trying to get myself some help, not make things worse. Sorry I said shitty. But you need to know which of your folks are not doing a good job. And if I am to use your service with those minimums I must have a decent job to show for it.
You did after all end up with something that marred an appliance probably permanently and I can already feel my OCD defenses going up, and my mouth opening.
It's a cute story and a MISERABLE day for you!
Helpful Answer (3)
gdaughter Sep 2019
LOVE you! Yes, agree. You know I'm sorta in the business, but it is for a public agency and I supervise it and so it would mean someone I supervise knowing my home and business and obviously awkward and conflict of interest. We keep a referral list in my office and these days it is often a 4 hour minimum, oh some of them will say, oh no, that's not right! We'll do two hours!! ANd they will...but they jack the hourly rate up to where it makes less sense. Despicable imo, because who among us beyond the wealthy can afford this? My agency is city supported and we provide service for 2 hours (no hands on/personal care, housekeeping only) and we charge $10-20 hour based on income. And due to liability, we don't drive anyone, but do have a transportation service. I thought too, that perhaps I am neglectful in my own role, not checking up often enough on those I supervise...but then our folks tend to let us know if they are not happy, but more often then not they are pleased and let me know.
We did both apologize (though I did only to do the right thing, not because I felt it truly, though it is not in my nature to offend others, nor did I mean too...I think her skin was a little thin and she could have realized I meant no offense). She at one point made reference to understanding the tensions of caregiving, and I conveyed I was sorry for her as well.
So agree with what you said about wanting a decent job for the money, but alas, for now the lesson will have to be carried forward. We were part of a respite program, or I was, and it is coming to a close. Originally I expected to continue though less frequently and now we will simply stop, and I am pursuing those whose intent is to CLEAN.
Yes, I may have a streak of OCD about the fridge as well. It's a good news/bad news thing: I never wanted stainless steel, Dad age 102 did. Can't argue with him. When delivered, it had a clear plastic protective shield over it and just as the delivery guys or dad was going to pull it off I threw myself in front of it and said NOOOOOOOOO!. LEAVE IT ALONE. I have been SO grateful because although it had one light mark on was working like a charm, no fingerprints!! SO when the inept aide used the terrible paper toweling on it, while she scratched the film, which agitates me daily...the stainless is safe beneath it. So at least there's that! PS the kimono pattern is still there! And other temptations.
I got scolded for my attitude when I called in to complain about them sending us a 75 year old aide who looked almost as bad off as my mother, and I was as polite as someone furious could be... they seriously thought I was supposed to trust this woman to lift and transfer mom in and out of the shower?

If you used the word "shitty" with the person you were speaking to that might be considered a little bit aggressive, but IMO having her bring up your comments was just a ploy to put you in your place.
Helpful Answer (5)
gdaughter Sep 2019
You guys have just made me smile and feel better about this, even those of you who think I put my big toe over the line of decency. I never realized how bleep exhausting it was for something that was supposed to make life better/easier. What was I thinking? BUt oh, what I have learned. You raise an interesting question re ability, because it makes you wonder, if mom got dropped and injured, who is liable? ANd if you lived at a distance and didn't see the woman, how would you ever have known?
I never met to be aggressive in the least. Toward anyone. I was frustrated and only describing the workmanship, and as said prior, I NEVER intended to have any discussion with anyone, I only called to cancel the service. I felt the faith and trust I put in the company was really taken advantage of...not only misleading me to believe light housekeeping could be done, but I trusted our contact...from the start the time of service was never what I wanted. I was forced to accept 4 hours of service, and I wanted 2-6 and had agreed to 1-5 to get this super special aid, retired nurse etc. Then when she was gone, this really good aide who would be more ambitious with cleaning, worked with those who had dementia...she was only available 9-1...this was a very problematic time household wise, but I agreed to that. It's almost a relief to be done with them. AND not to mention the first one having the nerve to observe mom when she was at her more obnoxious while a painter was present, suggest that it was "too bad" we had decided to not use any medications!
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It's not offensive at all. How can it be? The President of the United States uses that word in public speeches all the time. Would he do that if it was offensive?

It's not offensive, it's descriptive.
Helpful Answer (4)
anonymous272157 Sep 2019
Funny, need to and tacy!
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Playing devil's advocate here, you are hiring a home health aide from a home health agency, correct? Their primary duties are normally for the client they are supposed to be assisting, with "light housekeeping" being secondary. We've had experience of numbers of home health aides, and there is wide variation in the quantity and quality of the cleaning they do, and in how much initiative they take. for household chores Agencies will usually try to send other people if you are not satisfied or it is a not a good "fit." If you tell them that following what you want done for cleaning is very important, maybe they can find someone who's known to be willing and skilled in that area. Of course the most critical qualification is how well they work with the client. If the aide doesn't work well with the client, then it doesn't matter how good they are at the housekeeping. How many different aides have you tried from this agency? Have you worked with any other agencies yet? Do you think you'd do better with a different agency?
Helpful Answer (4)
gdaughter Sep 2019
Yes, yes, yes. BUT, I was assured from the beginning that light housekeeping, which was all I requested, was able to be done. The primary task was to engage mom, socialize with her, and coax her into the shower though I knew that was going to be a challenge. My expectations were low, but I was hopeful. And my thinking was that if that didn't happen some light housekeeping would get done, which would help me because this was part of a respite program that WAS supposed to help me. THere was a care plan with a multitude of housekeeping tasks listed. I did not demand much and in fact confirmed with the agency contact that my requests on the plan were not unreasonable. The first aid was an older woman, a retired nurse who was (as was the 2nd aide) very nice. Liked her lots...but visit after visit elapsed (we had her weekly) with no progress and I just got to the point of thinking well, SOMEthing should get done, so I left a list in order of priority of what should be done. I didn't really inspect her work beyond seeing what a um, can I say "piss poor?" LOL, okay, very lousy job (for a retired nurse no less!) she did on bedmaking. I mean it was one fitted sheet (that's sheet, not S+*^), one flat, and a blanket...and she leaves corners untucked with it all hanging inches above the floor on one side and about 9" down on the other...She showed no initiative UNTIL the day she did not stop my father from taking mom to the mall to go walking! So let's pay the aide $20/hr to sit on her....ummmm, rest on her laurels? to do the crossword puzzle...that was after she did some work in the kitchen which was NOT NOT NOT on the care plan because I wanted NOTHING TOUCHED. Her efforts resulted in the toaster oven crumb tray being emptied (she showed me all she had done), the glass table top being smeared, and the plastic film I had deliberately left in place on the stainless steel fridge being marked up and scratched because although it was clean, she opted to use rough paper toweling and glass cleaner on it.
And then after some conversation, we did get a 2nd aide, someone younger who was supposed to be very good with dementia patients and was more ambitious from the cleaning perspective. She's the latest who left the visible dust on the tray and wiped a 3" band on the dresser top. As I mentioned prior I interviewed a few other agencies that were surprising from those with criminal backgrounds, to those who accused me of maligning her character when I was angry at having lost work when their rep was a no-show without the courtesy of a call; to one who sent a marketing person (!) out who never followed up and was turned off when I mentioned a potential breach of confidentiality issue. We have about one more week in a respite program and it's not enough time to get anyone else in; now we will pay out of pocket and it's just too expensive for a $20/hr sitter. So as of today I am meeting with a few places for help with light housecleaning only. THere are still a couple agencies I could consider, but one of them requires 6 hours a week, and that's just too much $$. Especially if they will do nothing in re to housecleaning. I think the lesson learned is that I need to dramatically lower my expectations and just know we are getting an expensive sitter. Sad, but true.
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When customer service folks hear cuss words, they shut down. A point can be made without resorting to the use of 4 letter words, where the person will actually WANT to help rather than WANT to hang up the phone. Those of us in the service industry are trained to not put up with foul language on the other end of the receiver.

Sorry you're having such trouble finding decent help. I like Tigers idea about hiring a nice neighbor lady to help you out rather than an over priced Agency who hires anybody who walks through the front door, regardless of their talent.
Helpful Answer (6)
Isthisrealyreal Sep 2019
Four letter words like WORK, CARE, LOVE, just curious.

I think any excuse works when they are looking for one.
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Hi, I'm betting those folks in admin hear lots of swearing, (cuz their staff does lots of shi##y jobs!) Lol.
Yes, anytime they react like that it's cuz they've frequently heard MUCH worse language, (& now have a policy to address it with every customer). They prob record the calls too, so take it easy friend.
Why not hire a nice neighbor lady instead, (who has cleaned her own house all her life)? I'm a great worker, & I do hate lousy work. Very sorry for your frustration gdaughter.
Helpful Answer (4)
gdaughter Sep 2019
You made me laugh! is a sore spot with me so I (over?) reacted. The stress is not good for me; their work was, ahem, lousy, in all ways, and so I have already begun to inquire with other resources for light housekeeping help only. Like I said, I had no expectation or intention of discussing the matter, I only wanted to just make sure they got the cancelling message and I think the person wondered if it was just this one time or...You know what the real killer is in all this? I SUPERVISE 2 lovely people who clean for older adults in our community and my family would be eligible for the program which would be perfect for our needs but I will not have them due to all the conflicts of interest. And, of course, this agency involvement had as a primary goal to get mom some shower assistance which she refused and some it bombed. It has been a real learning experience from many aspects.
"$hitty" is an offensive word where I live (Brooklyn).

"Substandard, unacceptable and woe fully inadequate" all express this better.
Helpful Answer (6)
anonymous828521 Sep 2019
True dear Barb, I'm prob not helping here. 😉
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