
Here is what happens in a situation in WI outagamie county. When a person is elderly in there 70 's a concerned person or party neighbor is allowed to call the aging and disability department phone number in the county for concerns regarding a person or the person's appearance -the way they act in public if they have accidents in their pants due to not wearing an adult protective product to not want to admit age or due to pride and dignity. A neighbor is able to call the phone number report a concern to the department for the age group not showering when it is a condition that the tub is too high for them to get into to shower. Any calls that are made to this number causes seniors to be have a report made and crisis intervention done. An exam done by a pysch. Labels put on my Mom and Dad for life. Their assets sucked up by corporate Guardianship Golden Care Management Services in Green Bay.

They were then removed from there residency and put on the most restrictive measures by the county. Adult Protective Services ruled in court protection custody. All their freedom was taken away. To be put in Community Based housing due to the corporate Guardianship using all the money up. Darboy Community Living
My Mom and Dad do not have down syndrome, this is for cognitive disorders the ad on the website is not the way the wards are housed. The Corporate Guardianship didn't know anything about the facility my Mom and Dad were being sent to, the Guardian ad litem didn't, nor did the judge.

The judge decided that that was the way it should be.

With all this being said Corporate Guardianship is wrong the message needs to be known.

Never Contact or Have anyone contact the Adult Protective Services in a Community or County they're not helpful.

In a crisis situation the county will take advantage not help. There is no turning back.

There are always less restrictive ways for elders to enjoy living life in our community. Free without limits with respect, dignity, and care . There should not be labels, restrictions or misconceptions of what a person should be, how they should act, fit into society's mold. How thy appear by a psychiatrist observation. Or what they think a person may or could be.
We are all human not robots.

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Most people wouldn't want to wear incontinence pads, given a choice. But the reason that so many millions do is that they find it more in keeping with their pride and their dignity to wear a pull up than to soil or wet themselves, especially in public. When a person loses the ability to take care of their toileting needs, or loses interest in doing so, that person needs help and support. Where were you?

When social care workers visit older adults' homes because there is concern for their welfare, and they find that the older people are unable to use their baths because of mobility or safety issues, they have a number of options to try. These could range from a simple bath board, as long as the person is able to lift his legs over the edge of the tub, to having the whole room converted into a wet room, with a fixed track hoist and wheelchair access if need be. Nobody is removed from their home simply because they can't step into the bathtub.

But if the actual problem is that the elders are not showering not because they can't manage the tub but because they have lost the ability to decide when to take a shower, no amount of adaptations will help. These people need support for their activities of daily living. Where were you?

And when the county petitioned for guardianship - where were you?

For the record, and by the way: people with Down Syndrome have the same human rights, including those you list, as any other people.
Helpful Answer (7)

Ankles so swollen as a symptom of disease that the person cannot climb his stairs?

Whaddayamean, ONLY?

Incontinent, self-neglecting, disabled by inadequate medical treatment, repeated calls to the emergency services from the address - and you're still convinced the judge was overreacting?

I think you must be pulling our legs.
Helpful Answer (5)

Yes, there are busybodies but on average its hard for people to call APS on a neighbor. As said, APS will come in and investigate. They really don't want to remove people from their homes. Makes more work for already overworked Social Workers. They would rather have changes made and find resources. The SW must have found more than a tub being too hard to get into. That could have been fixed. To be able to get guardianship, your parents had to be found incompetent to care for themselves.

The reference to Down Snydrome made me uncomfortable. There are a lot of people who have DS that can take care of themselves and live. With everything you describe, there seems to be some cognitive decline. A person who rather soil themselves in public than wear Depends has a problem.
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The only way to overturn guardianship is to go court. And if you want to take over as guardian, you’ll have to pay thousands of dollars out of your own pocket since your parents assets have been depleted.

where were you when all of this went down? Did you try for guardianship at that time? Clearly your parents needed a lot of help that they weren’t getting. The court doesn’t just award guardianship and there is nowhere in this country where a Phone call is enough for this to happen. The phone call got the ball rolling but obviously there was a lot of merit to what the caller said in order for this to happen.
Helpful Answer (3)

"Godislove2012", I'm going out on a limb here and be very blunt.   When I first read your initial post, I couldn't make sense out of it, nor could I in the second or third readings.  So I just bypassed it.

But several other people took the time to try to respond to a rambling, incoherent post that is difficult to comprehend.    And now you write that "all who have read it" have "misunderstood it."

I've read your initial post again and still can't figure out what you're writing about.    And the many questions asked were not addressed by you.

And I find that offensive to those who tried to comprehend and help you.    I agree with WorriedinCali as well as those who asked for clarification and didn't get it.     

There's a lot of individual and collective experience here to be offered.  Please have the courtesy to show posters the respect they're due.
Helpful Answer (3)
JoAnn29 Apr 2020
You have to petition the court to take over guardianship.
Helpful Answer (1)

Were u not involved in a hearing where the guardian was assigned? The Psychiatrist must have felt they were not competent to care for themselves. The Guardian cannot just spend their money. It has to go towards their care. I would think the fees charged are within state guidelines. A guardian has to report to the court/state every year how the money is spent.

Are you ready to take on the care of your parents? Can you supply a safe home or facility? Meaning its set up for their needs. Can u monetary care for them if u need to?

I think u will probably need a lawyer and go to court to overturn the guardianship. This is not something u can do on your own.
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The county is able to rule how they like in a crissis situation by judge order. When ambulance shows up to often at a location a person is pulled out of it by the Aging and disability department. A person may only not be able to use the stairs or not be able to shower due to a medical condition from swollen ankles and the judge has the case incorrect I called the county they messed it up.
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worriedinCali Apr 2020
And I call you a troll or willfully ignorant. And you still didn’t tell us WHERE YOU WERE while all of this is happening?
It is interesting how this post has been misunderstood by all who have read it.The Point of the matter is I am willing to care for my Mom and Dad they felt they were able to live on there own the Aging and Disability Department of the County removed them from the rental property they were living in due to black mold not healthy for the lungs. The health department claimed the property as black fagged. The property is now being rented out to different tenentats. This is a way to have elderly put into Corporate Guardianship programs for state money.
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JoAnn29 Apr 2020
The problem is, you didn't say that in your post. You ranted about the system but said really nothing about black mold. You mentioned soiling of clothing, not showering because the tub was too high. Just that someone called APS. Which they have a right to do. And if the Health Dept flagged it for mold, then u need to report that its being rented out. Maybe the mold was cleaned up.

In my and others on the forums experience, APS and Social workers try to do their best, to the point of threatening in some instances, to get family to take over the care of a relative/s. We have a thread going where even a friend is being asked to get guardianship. The last thing the state wants is the financial responsibility of 2 people. SWs need no additional cases so getting family involved is their priority.

So again, my question is where were you when this process was going on? Did you tell the powers that be that you would care for your parents? Where have you been that you did not notice the mold or that parent could not maneuver the tub? I know, parents can be very stubborn but if things were this bad, you could have called APS for help. Explaining that parents were in a dangerous place and you needed help getting them to a safer place.

So, there is more to this than you have posted. Again, if you feel that you would be a better guardian, then petition the court.
It sounds as though it may be a problem with court appointed guardians of the elderly. John Oliver did a segment on it.

As did AARP

I think Godislove is just informing us all that corporate guardians can make decisions that the family feels are not in the best interest of the ward.
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