
I am a caregiver for my Grandma! She is hiding things we use everyday!

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Oh dear.

Does your Grandma also think someone is stealing pots and pans, or other things?

The typical pattern is to misplace something, be convinced someone must have taken it, and then start hiding important things so that they won't get taken again. Then not remembering hiding them, convincing them even more that someone is taking them.


I would think that pots and pans would be fairly easy to find ... at least they cannot be hidden in a tissue box or the sugar bowl.

If GM does think someone is taking them, reassure her that you can prevent that and get get some kind of lock for the drawers/cupboards where these things are kept. Would the child-proof devices for cabinets be enough to keep her out?
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yes she thinks that my Mother is taking them! She has not been her in 3 weeks! I told her that she still dont believe me now she is mad at me because I took my Mothers side!
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Oh dear, again.

No, don't take your mother's side. Grandma operates in her own world. Things go missing. Well it couldn't be that SHE misplaces them, for heaven sake! So there must be someone to blame. Sometimes it is strangers or the main caregiver. Grandma happened to pick her daughter. Don't agree that Mom has "stolen" the items. Be gentle. "I wonder if Mom borrowed that and forgot to put it in the right place when she brought it back. Let's look around a bit. ..." "You know what? Let's put a lock on the silverwear drawer. Then when anyone wants to borrow something they'll have to ask, and we'll know who has it."

This phase doesn't last forever, you'll be glad to hear. It just seems like it while it is happening.

Don't try to explain to GM that she is the person hiding the things. She won't believe you and it will cause conflict.
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Try to redirect, because telling her she is wrong just gets her mad. Try putting child locks on the cupboards and drawers and try to convince her it is to keep others from stealing things. Usually there is a place in her room, a drawer or closet that she thinks is good for storage. Housecoats are a favorite for hiding money, jewelry and other small items. Look under the mattress too.
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My mom hid stuff in her bra and in tissues - a lot of money got tossed thinking it was just old Kleenex in her purse - sigh
For years she accused my sister of stealing a chair from her bedroom even though she herself had moved it to the living room
I often spent 20-30 minutes a day looking for keys etc

It's all a lesson in patience, which you'll need more of as the years go by...
Helpful Answer (1)

My mom hid stuff in her bra and in tissues - a lot of money got tossed thinking it was just old Kleenex in her purse - sigh
For years she accused my sister of stealing a chair from her bedroom even though she herself had moved it to the living room
I often spent 20-30 minutes a day looking for keys etc

It's all a lesson in patience, which you'll need more of as the years go by...
Helpful Answer (1)

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