
My parents live in my house. They were independent when they moved here two years ago. Mother became severely ill seven months ago and has not recovered fully. Her mind is strong (she does not have Alzheimer's but my father does) but her body is weak. She is in a hospital bed with rails. She has a bedside commode. We have caregivers come in seven days a week. The one caregiver has suggested to my mother that she ought to have a night caregiver. I don't see the need for one because she can get in and out of bed by herself. I assist her until I go to bed. She usually does everything herself and she tells me if she needs help. My husband is adamant about not having another person in the house, especially in the evening. Having caregivers during the day is sufficient; there is a loss of privacy with this arrangement but having a caregiver at night is not acceptable. I don't want my mother in a nursing home and she would rather be here with family. I would like to know the best way to set up her area so that her water, tissues, and hand cream are within reach. My mother is very inventive and has devised many shortcuts but I am sure that others have dealt with a similar situation and would share what works for them. Thank you!

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I'm not really sure what exactly you are asking, there are all kinds of simple solutions to keeping those items within reach at night such as a hospital style table beside the bed or pockets attached to the bed rails. You say that she can get in and out of bed herself, so exactly what kind of assistance does she need?
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Cwillie, thank you for your response. The caregiver suggested to my mother that she should have a night caregiver so now my mother wants a caregiver at night. I have watched my mother and she does very well getting in and out of bed and covering up. I don't see the need for a night caregiver. I stayed in her room one night and watched her and she did not need my help. My mother has a hospital style table also. That is a good idea about the pockets to attach to the bed rails. Where can I find them? Thank you.
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Check amazon for "bed rail pockets".

It could be the caregiver is telling your mother what she thinks she wants to hear, or maybe she has a friend that needs work? LOL. You can always use a baby monitor the keep an eye on your mom at night or use a wireless doorbell as a call button if she needs you at night.
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