
Without explanation? Just not knowing why this would happen, and the hassle it can be to call them, I thought I'd check in to see if anyone else has been through something like this.


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Sounds like 2 months of Medicare .
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Jocelyne Oct 2018
Um, yes, that's true. Hmmmmm. But that doesn't register... she has Medicare. I haven't heard from her case worker yet, so you have me intrigued. Thank you...
I'm trying to delete this question and don't know how... so please ignore it. I'm in touch with her case worker and should have this resolved hopefully soon.
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When my father died, SS made a mistake in my mother's SS and didn't send her the correct amount. It is not worth going into the details, but it was all complicated. I am good at math and it took me some time to figure it out. But it was an over $1000 mistake.

I tried calling, and got nowhere. It was obvious that the person I called worked from scripts and didn't listen to or understand what I was saying.

Mom and I ended up going into the social security office, armed with all the information. The person who worked with us there was wonderful and understood (after some time on the computer) what was going on and arranged for a refund. She did warn us that it would take a few months to work its way through the system before we would get the refund deposited.

It did take a few months, but we did get the correct refund deposited in Mom's account. Mom was fortunate that she had resources, so she was desperate for that money.

So yes, Social Security can make mistakes. You might try giving them a call and maybe there will be some obvious answer that clears things up. But if you aren't satisfied, don't give up. Go in person to your local office.

Good luck.
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Jocelyne Oct 2018
Thank you! I will probably go there right off the bat.... no sense waiting! Thanks again.
Has she picked up a part D, prescriptions, with them? I am paying l little over $100 for my part A and B.

Come back and tell us what happened.
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My mother received a lower payment for a certain number of months after a sale of a property. Could this have happened in your case? It was awhile ago so I don't remember all the specifics but I do remember being told that at the SS office.
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JoAnn29 Oct 2018
Your mother must have been under 66. I have never heard a person getting less money because they sold a house unless it was because of capital gains? At 66 and a couple of months you can make as much as u want and keep ur SS. Up till then u can make approx 14k.
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