
It is now nearing 3 weeks since she has eaten or drunk properly, this last week she has pretty much had nothing. If I say too much she shouts that I am harassing her. My dad does not live with us but he phones constantly as my mum often goes in to help him. Mum is 83 dad is 87, my mum is a diabetic and today I know she had nothing to eat or drink. We have been to the doctors, they have taken bloods etc... but she doesn’t have another appointment till Friday and I’m concerned that that is too late. She is now down to 6 stone 0 (84lb) and I feel I’m watching her die. She says she doesn’t care. Yes she suffers from depression. I need advice urgently. Should I go over her head and contact the doctor tomorrow? Please can anyone advise?

thank you so much

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Is she taking any new medications? Has she bump her head? Can she smell? If a person can not smell then a person can't taste. If the first 2 questions are no and the second question is yes then perhaps it might not be physical. That leaves emotional and mental. Your mom is up there in age so I have to say, how sound mind can she be if she has chosen not to eat & drink. I would try her favorite food and drink and see if she will eat it. When my mom stops eating I make one of my dad's recipe that I know she likes and it works. I am sorry that I can't help more.

Good Luck
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Sammy21 Sep 2018
I hope you got my reply!
Hi Shell

thank you for taking the time to answer, she is a diabetic and her medicines are pretty consistent. She first went to the doc with the bad taste in her mouth about 3 weeks ago and was advised to lessen her diabetes meds whilst she wasn’t eating correctly. She pretty much hasn’t eaten all week. I thought I had her drinking but I now find she hasn’t really just taking a bit when she gets too dry. Her face has some dry patches. Yes I believe it is emotional. She doesn’t seem to care. I think in the morning I am going to have to phone the doctor as I don’t think I can leave it till Friday or am I overreacting and putting her back up for nothing. I am totally in a quandary. I know it is only a matter of one day, however, she has had nothing again today and is so small and tired totally exhausted I feel I have to act!

i really appreciated you taking the time to answer and think its fab you use your dads recipes for your mum. I wish you well.
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Shell38314 Sep 2018
You are very welcome. I wish you good luck.
Sammy21, I was just wondering if you had gotten any news on your mother. I just saw your post and was curious if the doctor was helpful. It's tough if the LO is of sound mind and refuses to take care of themselves. It must be very frustrating.
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