
She just had another UTI. She uses pads a lot too. I have been saying "wish we had a beday, you know the water spray toilet" but we don't and I'm not sure that would even do the trick.

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Hi, I'm dealing with the same thing. Multiple UTI's, toilet paper in the panties for bowel leaks. Mom is 95 and thankfully still 'somewhat' mentally capable. But the hygiene leaves a lot to be desired :( This is what we're trying this week with a bit of success; The new bowel leakage pads called Butterfly. I didn't think she would understand how to use them but she said, "They work!" So we'll see. Also, there are toilet seat adapters that the hospital sends home with people after hip surgery that sit a little higher over your own toilet. I am fortunate that our shower is just barely big enough to set it up in there and she can use the hand sprayer part of the shower to wash . I try to find humor where I can otherwise I'll lose my mind, so I'm calling this setup my "ghetto bidet". Your comment about wishing you had a bidet made me think this might help you. Also, sometimes they just forget. An actual sign next to the toilet where they can't miss it.. WIPE FRONT TO BACK, and a reminder or little talk every few days about UTIs and how to prevent them might help. I think the bowel leakage is a huge problem. If there is enough matter in the leak the ghetto bidet after each leak is the only way I can think to really clean aside from baby wipes. Good luck, please know you're not alone
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I have just the thing for you! I bought this plastic "bidet" from I believe Carol Wright (catalogue) which has a bulb at the end to hold water, then a curved funnel about twelve inches long. It cleans where someone would have trouble cleaning! Merry Christmas!
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I thought of something else regarding your mom and her problem. Have you actually determined that it's the wiping that is causing the problem? Sometimes seniors get bowel incontinence. Sometimes only a little stool comes out and stays on their body. It may appear they are not wiping, when it fact it's leakage. Just a thought. I'd check for a few days to confirm exactly what;s going on in that area.
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I finally started going into the bathroom every time my Mom did. Eventually she didn't even understand what I meant so I just bought wet wipes and started wiping for her every time she goes. Not pleasant but neither are UTI's. Wish I had a better answer because I don't like this one
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Is it a matter of not remembering, not wanting to or not being able to? Very different problems with very different solutions. Not remembering or not wanting to are harder to deal with. A bidet or toilet aid would help if the issue is not being able to reach.
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We had a bidet... That is what my in laws used forever. We had it turned off, and taken away later. It was a nightmare. Used as a sink, even to rinse clothes etc... We bought the bathroom cloths that are wet to wipe. Better then nothing.
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Would a 95 year old lady likely use a bidet? If she can't remember to wipe correctly, how would she learn a new way to clean? Is she able to handle other areas of her hygiene, like brushing teeth, bathing, etc.?
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There is a toilet seat all in one that washes and drys! I am soon on my way to purchase this for dad! Wonderful invention! Good luck! (At least it's your mom and not dad! How embarrasing to help your dad to the toilet!) (Home depot has them)
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WEAR NITRILE GLOVES! I can't emphasize this enough. Protect yourself from fecal bacteria. If it's super gross, wear two pair. Mom gets to wear a pair too! Pull them off inside-out so whatever is on them doesn't fly around.

The change in ability and understanding may need more than a simple device to correct for it. Talk to the doctor about this. Ask him to order an OT assessment that may also catch other ADL problems. This is key to get Medicare coverage for assistive devices/services. And all bathroom trips have to be supervised start to finish.

There will come a time when self- toileting is not an option any more. Mom may need to upgrade into disposable briefs or the kind with tape fasteners and be changed on a schedule. Continence issues typically do not improve unless it's about a change in diet or an infection that needs to be cleared up.

You can't put your foot down if the person has cognitive loss. Learning new skills or even keeping old ones is not possible. We have to just get it taken care of.

Vigorous hand washing, hand sanitizer, and all the Hail Marys you can do.....
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Sorry to ask the obvious, but is she physically able? I've been wiping my mom for the past two years. It is what it is but she's never had a uti or an itchy or smelly backside. Is someone available, an aide, etc to do this for her?
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