
I am the youngest daughter and also the paid caregiver for one of my parents. As the paid caregiver I provide care for both elders. eighty one years old. I as well as my husband am very frustrated with my working condition as well as the living condition of the elders. I love my job but the people in the home are making things very difficult. Now that my husband mother and grandmother have passed he tries to help me with my parents.

My husband and I may be too close to the situation. In this home are the two elders my older sister who has been there forever a younger brother moved back home coming up a year ago four nephews all grown except the one that is visiting for summer and a niece.

So please let me know if we are over reacting. If not please let me know of options.

Dad got diagnosed with severe emphysema this year with one third lung capacity and is on twenty four seven oxygen. He also suffers with diabetes, constant swollen ankles, and male problems. Dad is taking too much insulin. We come up with a number that seems to be working and then older sister comes and says no take this much and then he can hardly function. Mom has her share of problems as well including asthma and we think Dementia. But guess what no one else has time to help with all the doctor appointments. Now want me to find a doctor for mom and have her tested for Dementia. I am just finishing up all the other appointments.

Some things are becoming more and more frustrating. For one medications are being given that parents have been taking off of because of stomach problems like BC powers. Or because it bothers prostate like flexeril. They are being given medications that do not belong to them. Given Gabapentin for swollen ankles by sister. I have lost count of the others. My husband takes these and even when I look this up online it is for nerve pain. This is not to count prescription medication that showed up out of the blue. Antibiotic prescribed way back in February suddenly shows up last month.

Same issue mentioned in February 2015 is still taking place now. Dad and I had gotten the roaches to die down. But I swear now they are feeding them because they are back in full force. So dad sprays and mom and sister pitch a fit talking about their asthma. Every room is still full of junk and the hallway is still full of junk and the ice box is still full of junk. Dad and I still try to make progress but then we get to get yelled at and sworn too. I clean the bathtub for them to take baths and what do I have the pleasure to see. Cannot use this plate because it is mine cannot use the washer because it is my washing powder and cannot use the air freshener after they make a funk because the air freshener messes with their asthma.

I leave food so they do not have to wait and it does not get served. At times I think it is thrown out after I leave because the elders cannot find the coffee I left or the food.

No help with the household chores and no help with paying the bills. Dad runs them all up and down the road at every beck and call. At his expense out of what is left after I pay out all the bills. And if he refuses he catches heck and then we get to hear the drama.

I am so tired of the drama my husband thought he would get rest from the drama after his mom passed but hah. Thank God I get to go home but I am afraid dad is going to stoke out or have a heart attack and die from something we do not expect to be of his demise. But as younger brother says if mom pass they will cry but when dad pass no one will cry and they will dance.

Not to mention it is summer time now. The air up front is not working very well so I have to ask my brother to open up the room where he sleeps to let air circulate and this always ends up confrontational.

So last week I called to see if a home health nurse could be sent out to at least monitor parents and their medication. They said mom could not have a paid caregiver and a nurse. But I do not see what the problem would be with someone coming out for dad. I am going to pose this question again tomorrow.

I have tried reporting this med issue with my company so that it does not come back on me but they wanted no parts of making a report let alone hearing about the issue. I have also considered the aging counsel but do not want to lose my job or be on the outs with family because they may kick them all out because of the mess.

Doctor also mentioned things to watch for with dad and his emphysema. Like at this point he cannot stand to catch a cold have the flu or pneumonia. And that if any of this happens including cannot catch his breath to get him to the nearest doctor or emergency room. They all just keep saying oh we did not know as if I need to send them all certified mail.

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I'm confused about the medication issue. Who is responsible for administering the meds, and why aren't the prescribed meds given as ordered? How does something show up "out of the blue"?

I'm also confused on your status as a paid caregiver for one your parents and another elder through an agency. You don't live there, but you come there to provide certain services and the agency pays you? Who pays the agency for your services?

I'm assuming also that you have some training as a caregiver, as a condition precedent to being hired by the agency? I'm also concerned because I sense a certain detachment from being the daughter to being the paid caregiver, somewhat of a bifurcated role and approach.

And if I understand correctly, you care for your father, but not your mother? Does anyone care for her, or is she what you consider part of the resistance problem?

This is a complex situation and I really don't know of anything that would help, but I am concerned about the living situation.

Beyond all the friction and negative family dynamics, there are the issues of erroneous medications being taken and the house is obviously unsafe and unhealthy to live in. Regardless of your concern about the family being "kicked out", from your description I would think the concern would be more about the health ramifications of living in such a situation.

My suggestion would be to notify APS and force a cleanup of the house, for starters. The family also needs to decide who's going to handle the medication and caregiving. And whoever is not needs to accept that. So the family really needs to sort out who's going to be responsible for specific tasks.

I get the impression the family isn't together on anything, and if that can't be overcome, I don't know how this situation is going to work at all.

If you're being paid as a caregiver, and dispensation of medication is included in the contract or whatever retention agreement was signed, the agency would I think have liability if the meds aren't being dispensed properly. Yet I get the impression from your post that the agency doesn't want to get involved. This I can't understand.

Perhaps I'm the one who's confused?
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You sound like you are going 100 miles an hour without catching a breath. Breath. If you are the one who is supposed dispense the medications, lock them up, hide the key. If someone else feels they want to be part, then include that one other person and do it together. Composition book or log book to show what time and day the meds were given, have both of you sign it and acknowledge it. If someone wants to make appointments, then schedule it with that person and tell them that they can take mom or dad to that appointment as the other parent cannot be alone. Schedule a weekly meeting with all siblings in the house or whoever lives there.
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My contract does not allow medication administering. The only thing I do is help them setup their pill box every week. I got both parents a pill box after seeing mom try to take a second nerve pill within seconds of taking the first. She forgot she had just taken one. She forgets to take her dose at night. Dad tries to remind her to only get his head bit off.

What I mean about meds showing up out of the blue is this. Before I started bringing the meds home, I would place them in a storage bin. One week all meds are there to setup pill boxes and then the next week a prescription is missing. Then after I pitch a fit, the following week it is back. The pill box for the week is placed in a zip lock where the parent starts the day. I bring home all meds now since they were disappearing.

Last month, dad called me late one evening and asked me did I place a prescription bottle in his zip lock bag and that the pills looked like antibiotics. I told him no and asked him where did they come from. He said he had no idea because they were not there the day before. I asked him to not take any of it and to hold the bottle until I got there the next day. And sure enough it was an antibiotic prescription given Feb. 2015 but had never been taken.

Dad has also been dealing with swollen ankles. The pulmonary doctor thinks it is due to his emphysema and his heart doctor says all things are good there. So of course one night, here goes the phone and I tell dad we will take a look tomorrow and to elevate feet like doctor says when this happens. So the next day sister says I gave him a gabapentin. I told her hubby takes that for nerve pain. I looked up the prescription online and gave her a printout. She argued all of us down and threw the paper on the floor. I have been trying to get them to memorize what the pills look like and the color also because once again sister keeps getting them confused.

I am the paid caregiver aid for my mom. The things I get paid to do are things like you do in nursing home I guess you could say like bathing, hair, dressing, cleaning, community participation, meal prep, etc. This is a state program so I guess you could say the agency gets paid by the state (Medicaid) and then they in turn pay the aids. Since I do all of this stuff for mom, I also try to do the same for dad. The training we have received so far is on how to work around bodily fluids, proper cleaning, etc.

I am having a hard time right now being a daughter and a caregiver with the constant bickering and yelling and all the other stuff I have mentioned. I have talked to mom last week telling her I do not know how much more I could take and that I was considering talking to the company and asking them to send out someone who is totally unrelated so that they can see exactly what goes on there and that there would be no protection. I have a forty-five minute drive to and from and the energy of the home drains me more than the drive.

Family meetings are out. I have talked to all other siblings (seven) and none come to help with anything unless they think money is involved. As a matter of fact, when I got into a frank talk with my sister that lives there about how she talks really bad to parents in the home, one of my other brothers called me at home talking about taking me out. And I am not talking about dinner. Because she is the one who chose to stay home with parents, blah, blah.

Mom says we are kicking people when they are down. And that part of letting people come back home means that they do not have to help keep the home clean, they do not have to pay any bills, they do not have to help keep the peace, they do not have to put gas in the car when he halls them around and that he should be ashamed of himself for asking anything. Dad has a totally different view as well as me and so we constantly get shown hate.

That is just the thing, now that I am paid caregiver all I constantly hear from family is that is your job. But yet when I go to do my job, I am getting fought on and sabotaged. They also get angry if I buy a meal for parents but do not bring enough for everyone in the home. Now granted I bring enough for everyone sometime but I cannot afford to do it all the time.

So that is why I have started looking into the nurse. I wanted someone to come in to help at least with the meds. My company said to contact home health. Home health said they could not just send a nurse for mom because she is already under a company and they would have to do everything.

I also was trying to find a way to get rid of the free loaders. Start helping more or leave but not sure if I can do anything.
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Thanks so much for the explanation. This really does sound like a difficult situation.

Before I even read your thoughts about another position, I was thinking perhaps the best thing to do is ask the agency to find another position for you and another caregiver for them. It seems there's just so much friction in the family, and that's interfering with your ability to provide necessary and proper care.

I think it may also be that others in the family resent that you're getting paid while they're not. That actually may be the crux of the issue.

I would discuss this situation with my supervisor and suggest that you're not able to provide the high level of care you want to, and which you know the agency wishes to provide (a little stroking helps), because of the family dynamics, and you think it would be better if someone unrelated assumed your position.

Good luck; this sounds like a very difficult and unpleasant situation, and certainly not much help to anyone in the family.
Helpful Answer (5)

sounds good but I'm curious as to how you got in this situation in the first place; was this one of those cases of you got hired by the agency somewhat specifically to take care of your mom - would you even want to do this for somebody else or just get another type of job somewhere else?
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I got in this situation because my sister that lives there decided she was going to apply for disability and she won her case. We notified the company and they were going to send out someone. Mom said she absolutely did not want anyone unrelated in her home and that if another family member would not do it, then she would just have no one. All female family members got asked. My other older sister did not want the job and my three sister-in-laws declined the offer. Being between jobs, silly me was excited about the job offer and said ok. Everyone else was like ok great. I figured I needed the income and I would get to spend more time with parents, which is something I had wanted to do for a long time.

But little did I know that I would get fought on everything and being constantly in a war zone. I have been at this for a year and a half now and things are escalating. Not only have I been doing it with my parents but I was also a non-paid caregiver for my mother-in-law (passed away nine months ago) and grand-mother in law (a little over a year ago). Helping hubby.
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This is going to be tougher than tough, but it may be your only salvation.

Convince Mom and Dad that they need to move to Assisted or Independent Living. AL sounds more appropriate given their health issues.

Sell the house to pay for it. Investors will even buy houses in bad condition so that they can "flip" them. Don't worry yet about repairs. This will require kicking the freeloaders to the curb.

If necessary, apply for guardianship of your parents. It isn't cheap and it isn't easy, but the reward will be that you will have the power to do the above.

Best wishes and I don't even know how you sleep at night.
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You had wonderful intentions when you entered into this but it sounds like the situation has become impossible. I will echo what Garden artist said. I know your Mom has said she will not have a stranger in to help, so did mine, but my Mom changed her tune when we refused to do the work of the home aide and she had little choice.

If you stop working at your parents the agency might very well give you another assignment so you would still have work and then you could visit your parents as a loving daughter and not the hired help. I wish you all the best. This must be awfully hard.
Helpful Answer (3)

I'm just wondering though if you'd want that or just out of the whole thing completely; don't see how or why sister would resent you getting paid if she's getting her disability; don't quite understand how that led to you notifying - what company - the home care agency you're working for? what did her getting on disability have to do with it? was she doing it before? is that what happened? she'd rather be on disability? why is your mom eligible for services anyway, especially if she hasn't even been tested for dementia? and how did whoever got this started come to do it?
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You are not overreacting. This is not good for anyone. Too much insulin can be deadly much faster than too little. It should be given per doctor's orders or by sliding scale. Your sister is behaving very dangerously, albeit probably with good intentions, and it is probably time for a family meeting, guided by someone from the agency or a social worker, to get people on the right page. Roaches are as likely to aggravate asthma as anti-roach chemicals are, individual sensitivities would make the difference there. I think you have to have some level of concern that a Health Dept or APS investigation would begin to consider the bad conditions a form of neglect.
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I am going to see how this all plays out and start with APS. What I want is some peace in the home for the elders. What I also want is to stay employed with flexibility in my schedule for a lot of reasons. I really do want to be with my parents until the end. Before getting this job I could only make it down maybe three times a month if I were lucky.

When sister got approved for disability, she contacted the agency and said she was leaving the paid caregiver role. I had to undergo a background check, get finger printed, and they contacted previous work references. They do home visits to see how things are going every couple of months or so.

Yes, my sister was the paid caregiver for three years. How she found out about the program I have no idea. I say because she was more of a social butterfly than myself and just knew people. We are in a rural area, so they do allow family members. Right now I have not asked to be relieved of my position. I have only asked about a nurse to handle medication.

Mom was having a lot of falls back then and they were all over the place with diagnoses. They were thinking she was having seizures and black outs resulting in falls. The last fall before I took over left mom with a limp because of a fracture that was missed. I do not know if sister ever got a diagnosis of dementia.

However, I do think something is there because she will often ask the same things over and over. To not make either of us feel bad I will answer her like things have never been asked. When she had her EDG about two weeks ago, she did not recognize me when she started awakening. She kept asking me who was I and did I know her home town. I can say that she has not reached the point of some readings I have found here.

I do not know why our problems cannot be resolved without intervention but it seems to be headed in that direction. Another example, my family here and my parents attended church yesterday. We had enjoyed the service. We get to my parents home, to do my thing and serve them dinner and would you know it, a roach ran across the floor while I was helping them set there meds for the next week. Dad went into a tailspin. I am so sick of this you know. The lazy you know still back there in bed and it is two o clock. They do not want to do you know. I was cutting grass and the lazy you know not a one would come and do the weed eating for me. If I fall dead outside they would never know.

Than by that time mom goes to going off singing to the top of her voice and yelling saying those that are living there do not have to do a thing because they are so helpless. Saying my family and dad are going to hadeas for asking others to help. The more my husband and I would ask them to quiet down, the louder they got.

Thanks so much you all for the suggestions and listening. I have made an appointment with my mental health counselor and really I do not want to talk about this anymore because it makes me angry and sad that we cannot work together as a family. But then families do not seem to be families anymore.
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You seem so patient. What comes to my mind is to try to ignore the others more. Do the same as you're doing and make that one change. Do it gradually, but increasing each day how much you ignore and tune them out. Get to where they don't really exist (since they don't exist in any helpful way). In reality, it will not work, but to a small extent, I think it will, and it will be a step in the right direction for how you feel. Nothing will have changed except your perception of them (loud but silent, messy but not there, rude but invisible). If it works a little, make it work more. That's my thought. Make the time in the house more like the time driving- there's no one else and there's peace. You can interact one-on-one with your parents, and that's what you value, so you've got it.
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I don't suppose you want to change companies to a home health one because does sound like you work for just a home care one that doesn't have a nurse and wonder if the home health one knows that; if not, they should, but if that's the case, then, yes, they wouldn't have a nurse to send or be able to; to get a nurse, I believe you would have to change agencies but they should still have positions like yours that you could still do
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Check with your counselor before calling APS. If they perceive that you are a good daughter trying hard to help but mom and dad both resist, plus sister is causing the medication problems...but some people have found out that APS does not step in until things are much worse. Who is doing the home visits now, and what is their assessment? Does the agency have a social worker who could try to have a family meeting, and/or is there an authority figure your sister might trust enough to listen to?
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You r between a rock and a hard place. Ur damned if u do and damned if u don't.

Yes, I think u should ask for a replacement. Don't tell anyone about the change until it is all set up. Explain to ur parents and siblings u can't do it anymore and why. Don't know where ur Mom got the idea that people living in her house shouldn't contribute.

Do any of ur siblings side with u? Your Dad? If ur Dad is in his right mind, take him out for a ride or lunch. See how he really feels about the whole situation. If he feels like u do, go to a lawyer and see what options he has for getting rid of the free loaders. Ur sister being on disability has avenues she can explore for housing and food. Hopefully u have siblings who will back u up. Someone can take the parents out of the house while u all talk to the ones who are taking advantage. Otherwise, u are going to be the bad guy. Not sure what u can do about sister giving meds that aren't perscribed. Talk to ur parents doctor and see if he can suggest something. You may want to tell sister that if ur Dad dies and it is found he was given a med not presribed, she could be charged in his death. All meds that are no longer being used or out of date, get rid of them and not down the toilet. Where u work should know how to do this. Our local police have a drop off box.

Good Luck, I think u getting away from the situation i a good idea. Then plan a strategy.
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The home health agency was told everything. However, I did not think to ask about switching companies and me being allowed to come on their staff. Probably a long shot, but I have nothing to lose by asking.

I have spoken with my company counselor about those there not helping with bills. Last year they went a couple of months without gas (in the winter I tell you) because others in home would not help parents come up with the funds. So I contacted the utility assistance company in the area. They were refusing to help because others refused to show their income proof. It took me calling the counselor. She contacted the utility assistance company and they got help.

This month I was able to get the gas company to come out before the gas ran out. I think we have it set now where it will be topped off at a certain percentage. Thank goodness for this because mom refused to ask other for money.

With that being said, I went ahead and contacted APS yesterday morning. Still do not like having to do this but felt it is time to do something. I knew my sister had a doctor appointment in my town. So I was trying to call mom to see if she wanted to come to my house (to get her outing because otherwise she will never leave the sofa) or wanted me to come with her.

But guess what? As usual the freaking phone is off the hook. Whenever my sister has something she wants to do and she does not want anyone in her business (so she says), she will take the telephone off the hook. I do not be necessarily in her business but I be asking her to leave in enough time so that dad does not have to drive so hard and feel rushed. If I am wrong man up above forgive me but this has been happening for a long time as well.

I later found out not only did she have an appointment up here but that once that was finished she had to be back in her home down for an appointment at 3:00. I asked her to feed dad something with all his issues. Not sure if she did. But at any rate after the call I was wondering if I did the right thing.

Later on around 10:30 that night I called to ask how the weather was since we kept getting thunder. Dad answered and then went into his speech. Saying he was hungry and that he had asked sister to give him a bit to eat. He said she went into a rage and that when he got back at her, mom and all the others in the home just doubled teamed him verbally.

So again, I do not know what to do or if I am doing the right thing but I am trying all of the suggestions I can get right now. Also looking into the poa and guardianship thing.
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It sounds like it sister is trying to kill it Dad. Doesn't she realize he could go into shock. Sorry, but there is abuse here and it needs to be addressed. I think it sister needs help.
Helpful Answer (2)

Who owns the home?
I urge you to confer with an attorney - preferay one who specializes i elder law - to find out your (and your parents') options.
If you conclude that either or both of your parents is not competent to care for him or herself, you MAY want to petition the court to appoint you as guardian.\]
If you believe that your parents are not competent to handle their financial affairs, you may want to petition the court to appoint you as conservator.

You probably want to etablish a locked box to hold the proper medication and send everyone a letter (not oral; not e-mail) advising them that certain medications jeopardize your parents' health, and no one but someone authorized to do so may give your parents' their medicationl
Create a chart with columns listing the medications, the dose and time to be taken, and the dose and time actually taken.taken. Print out a new chart each day. Keep the charts on a clipboard next to the box. That way, everyone will know you are serious.
If your parents' own the home, who has authority to let non-owners life there, and who has the right to kick them out?

Good luck!
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If your parents own the home, unless you get some kind of power over them, only they have the authority, but the problem is, at least according to the deputy I talked to here about the same type thing - as well as, somewhat, my dad's situation - if they've allowed them to live there they've established residency so actually they don't really have that much authority anymore, except to go through eviction proceedings
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Is dad visibly losing weight from the lack of food provided him?
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Both parents are losing weight. Dad is more so in inches and mom, a few pounds seen on the scale just about every doctor visit. However, the primary physician says no worry because of their BMI.

APS came out. The only request was a major cleanup. And pow, boom, bam as soon as the worker made the suggestion. Explosive is the word - war! All became aggressive with one becoming especially aggressive. The offenders even called other siblings saying dad was putting them out. That was not the conversation of the APS worker. One of the siblings then called saying what they were going to do once they got there. So I went and told the offenders if they did not stop that person, law would be called. Law ended up being called anyway because the last offender went to trying to fight dad and spouse with APS still there.

In the end, APS stated that Dad, I, and spouse are fighting a losing battle. APS stated both parents are still mentally competent although physically limited and because of this they cannot intervene. As of now, sister is the only one left. At least for tonight.

Told dad we would find him low income housing but he refuses to leave his home.
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Well, u did what u could. Now there is a record. Not much u can do at this point. Get a replacement for u and step back. Just stop in as much as possible to make sure u parents r not being abused. Bring them dinner and forget about the others. Keep working on Dad. Tell him he would get out of all the chaos if he went to an AL. Good Luck
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I was afraid of that; seen it happen too many times
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Thanks for the help everyone. I told them again yesterday that the company is sending in a replacement for mom and that home health is seeing dad doctor for a referral. Neither parent like that idea of me quitting. I hate to make a conditional offer to them but the only way I will continue is if others are not allowed back into the home except to visit. I don’t see that happening (visiting) since they all say they hate dad so much.

I plan to look into POA, representative payee, healthcare proxy, and some other avenues found on this forum. Regardless, I see these things are important now.
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Answry, it's unfortunate but often true that the caregiver needs to assume a posture and position of doing things which are best for the elders but which they resent and will hold against her/him. Sometimes you also need to take stands which are in their best interests, even though they don't recognize it.

If/when you have qualms about your action, ask yourself if in several years you'll look back on the situation and wish you had done something before it became worse. You're taking the right steps now - always remember that if when the family challenges you.

Caregiving choices are often gut-wrenching, Hang in there and stand your ground!
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I'm wondering if you could get them into Hospice care so that they would be looking after their medicines and any medical equipment? Then your relatives could give them a hard time rather than picking on you. ( And Hospice could report any house problems to the appropriate agency) Good luck
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Well, I did not think of hospice. Or, should I say I was not ready to think hospice although it does not mean the end because mom-in-law lasted many years under hospice.

Home health did call me today and said they would be out tomorrow to get dad started. Maybe once home health is near the end, I can see if the nurse and his primary can help him qualify for hospice.

So a second good thing has happened.

It is just sad to go through raising ten children and then out of the eight left, we cannot work together.

Mom counselor came out yesterday during all the commotion. I did not get to speak yesterday but made the call to that office this morning. I let the counselor know that I may need a replacement sent although both parents do not want me to leave. They said to let them know what I decide and then they would interview mom. It was also stated that a PCA cannot be POA, representative payee or anything of that nature because it is a rule of Medicaid.

I do not think this applies to dad since I am not his pca but I will hold off for now.

Made it home today, and then mom calls saying sister in law says she is going to call my job. Well only one person knows the name of the company and the phone number.
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and why is sister in law going to call - or try - your job? guess it's a good thing you - or your mom - don't/doesn't have the info posted on the fridge
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Because I had to call the law on her adult son who was living there.

My first phone call to the law was because my oldest brother, who was called by one of the offenders in the home, called saying what he was coming out to do with the people messing with sister. None of us pointed anyone out as APS worker was talking to all of us. As I mentioned before, it was a family meeting. The APS worker was talking to all and they exploded. The law told us to call if the older son came out. As the APS worker continued talking, the adult grandson went to pointing and yelling at dad. Dad then told him it would be best if he would leave. He then went to charging up the hall like a bull and was blocked by APS worker and sister. That same nephew made another attempt to fight but this time my husband. Talking about he needed to protect his aunt. Once again APS worker and sister blocked him. Although I do not think he really wanted to get through this last time to match up with someone more his equal. I then called the law. So the word is, since I got her son kicked out of his granddads home she was going to call my job.

At this point, I do not care. I have made peace with the fact that I may never be spoken again to by family. Fine, you never called anyway unless you wanted or needed something. And I have made peace with the fact that I may have to job hunt again but I think my long work history is good enough to obtain another job.
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so do you think he'll stay away or will your mom let him back in, do you think? how was she about all of that?
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