
My grandmother is struggling with both mental and physical decline/issues. While she is quite willing to discuss the physical issues, she is unwilling to acknowledge or discuss the mental ones. My grandfather, who lived with her, and I have been doing our best to help her maintain her independence, though I also feel we have somewhat enabled her to ignore her mental struggles as well. However, about two weeks ago, my grandfather died. My grandmother living alone does not seem to be a good idea at this time for any number of reasons (falling, losing things, isolation, grief etc), and understandably, my grandmother is not ready to consider moving. The complications are this: 1. I am also responsible for my mother, who struggles with schizophrenia. My grandmother is very critical of my mother, as my mother is often difficult to understand and has difficulty following instructions. From the other side, since my mother is difficult to communicate with, it is easy to see how my grandmother gets confused even more easily and thus impatient. Either way, it is in neither of their best interests to live together. So how do I live with both? 2. My mental health. Because my grandmother is unwilling to discuss any mental issues she might have (I don't want to self-diagnose) it makes daily functioning quite difficult. My grandmother has always been one to need to be in control of the situation, and it would make sense in her grief that she would try to re-exert her control. However her need to have control over me as well as her forgetfulness, confusion, and some plain old passive aggressiveness is wearing me down mentally very quickly. For example, I have asked her multiple times if she would like me to move in. In response, she states it is my decision. However she gets upset when I have to leave for less than an hour to get a shower at the house I have been living in previously, half a mile down the road. This has occurred every day for the past week and a half.

I have a thousand thoughts going through my head, but no solutions. Guidance and thoughts appreciated. Thanks!

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Do you want to move in? She hasn’t asked you to move in. She knows you are caring for your mom. Where do you live now? By yourself or with your mom? Isn’t that going to be too much? What about your dogs? Does grandma like dogs?

It may be time to make arrangements for grandma to be in a facility. She doesn’t seem to be able to be alone. She falls. You sound concerned about her being controlling. Is this something you have thought about before or is it a reaction to your grandpa dying? Sorry for the loss of your grandpa. It’s an emotional time for the family. It isn’t the time to make a huge decision like this.

Your grandma will adjust if she moves to a facility or will adjust to in home caregivers. Wherever she is you can visit her.

Think about this seriously. I don’t think I would do it. What about a job? Would you be paid by grandma?
Helpful Answer (7)

Alianna, don't you want a life? Caregiving for dementia and aging is not the same as for schizophrenia. Don't take on 2 people.

Also, your gramma can't control you unless you give her control. But I don't think she "needs" to control you, I think she is fearful of how her life is upside down right now, as is understandable, and your love and attention are comforting. Maybe allow her some time to grieve before launching her into yet another big change. Check in on her often and call, make sure she's eating and taking care of her self. I'm sorry for your quandary, but you are young and need to have your own life. You've already done the lion's share of generous giving of yourself. But you're not responsible for other people's happiness. Wishing you peace!

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No - move Grandmother to a facility that can cope with her mental issues.
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A thousand times, NO. Do you work? Have a husband or kids or hope to one day have that? Do you have friends that you like to do things with? What ever little issues you have now with your grandmother WILL become large ones that you will be forced to deal with 24/7. If she doesn’t want you leaving now to go 1/2 mile road just to shower....
Helpful Answer (9)

No, you should not take on the care of your grandmother. You have quite a lot on your plate. I am certain she would "like" you to do so, but that is not the question. I would "like" a billion dollars, but it isn't happening.
You do seem to realize that you have reached your limitations. That realization is a good thing. Grandma will have to be placed in Assisted Living or other care, whatever her finances will support.
Life is full of loss, and those of us so "lucky" to live long face an old age that is quite honestly, and quite realistically, and quite sadly, nothing but one loss after another. It is the way of things. Not everything can be fixed. Not everything can be made happy.
I am so sorry for the losses all are facing, but I am glad that you seem to understand your limitations. Wishing you, your Mom, and your Grandma, good luck moving forward.
Helpful Answer (15)
Harpcat Aug 2019
This is the best answer by far. Life is full of loss and we can’t make it better. We have to put on our big girl panties and face the music. When we live long enough, things will happen to us that will not bring us what we want in life. You are young and a kind person, but no. I think deep down your instinct has told you not to. As I always say, use your head not your heart when it comes to difficult decisions.
Alianna, you've received lots of good advice here. You should sit down with someone objective and discuss these situations, both your Mom and grandmother. It's not clear if you work, have a family of your own, etc., but regardless you have a life that you need to lead as well.
Don't make a hasty decision about this or anything else until you have looked at the pros and cons of what is best for YOU. It may involve some difficult choices, but you have to think of the consequences - good, bad, or neutral - of such choices. Short term and long term.
I wish you the best. Many of us here struggle with the same issues, just different and varying levels of them. But it's all about the people we love and making sure they are safe, healthy, and cared for properly. Include yourself in that dynamic because if you don't, you may regret it. Thoughts and prayers to you and yours!
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So she's asking you to give up the best years of your life to help her? I'm sure there is a better way to help without a total sacrifice from you. Don't let her play on your guilt.
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I would handle this with prayer; I pray for guidance whenever things are too difficult for me to figure out. Then I wait for the answer.

Personally, the fact you are asking means you have already made your decision and now you're looking for others to tell you it's ok. For that, I use a Pro & Con sheet. List all the reasons on one side that are for you moving in. On the other side of the paper you list all the reasons for Not moving in. I have solved a lot Lot of problems using Pro & Con sheets.

Lastly, "To thine own self be true."
Helpful Answer (4)

You already state that the relationship has a potential to be volatile. You moving in would only make things worse AND I can't begin to tell you the toll it will take on you emotionally/physically. I would suggest looking at a caregiver coming in to take care of her needs provide you the feeling of knowing she is being cared for and is safe. You can install cameras to ensure this and watch via your phone to check on things. A caregiver can ensure she is safe, provide meals, take her where she needs to go (or wants to go), help with cleaning the house. The better option would be to find an Assisted Living facility where she can find social programs and provide therapy for her grieving.
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Simply put - you cannot do it all. If not now - somewhere down the road Mom and Grandma are going to need more help than you can give. No one can do 24/7 care. Also, unless you are independently wealthy - you have to work. And you most likely will out live both of them. But what happens if you are not there to take care of them? Time to plan for the future - and don't forget you have a right to a life, too.
Helpful Answer (3)

Alania - YES, you should move in with your grandmother:

If you want to live 24/7 in a psych ward with a mentally ill person who will become crazier, more controlling, more forgetful, more confused, and more dependent, etc. as time goes on.

If you want your life to be controlled by such a person.

If you never want to leave the house because it will upset her.

If you never want to see your friends or do fun things with them.

If you never want to have your own life doing your own things.

If you want your entire life to evolve around grandma and her growing and endless needs.

If you think in the near future you will be ready to pick her up when she falls, clean up after her bathroom accidents, wake up multiple times at night because she needs something or can't sleep, etc.

If you want to be a martyr and sacrifice your life your grandma.

If you think you will never get burn out and can live with resentment.

If you think you will be fine after grandma dies because you will have lost years of your life, and by then you will have no jobs and no friends and not know what to do with your life.

Go ahead and move in.

If not, listen to the good advice of others here and find an alternative for grandma and you.
Helpful Answer (12)
lindaz Aug 2019
Well put, Polarbear! I agree she should DEFINITELY NOT move in with grandma or have grandma move in with her. Even if she thinks she can handle both of them, she cannot. Living with a person who has dementia is always much worse than you think it will be initially AND it only gets WORSE as time goes on.
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Please, please, please do NOT be a fool. Do not move in and now have double responsibility. It will become a nightmare - do not do it or you will live to regret it. Your grandmother has mental and physical issues - a red hot flag - and you are taking care of your mother who has problems. Why add gasoline to the fire that rages. Start thinking about your own physical and mental limitations - you are only human and can take just so much. Don't take on more - you do not deserve it. And why add fuel to a bad relationship between your grandmother and mother. Please either consider a caretaker for your grandmother or start thinking of placing her. The three of you will become an atomic bomb if you are in one location. Don't do it.
Helpful Answer (8)

Start with NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) and see how they can help you since you have diagnosed mental illnesses in your family.  Get help from siblings or other family members if you have any.  Find other groups that can help you--church, other organizations that deal with things like this that overwhelm people, etc.  Don't take this on by yourself.  You have enough with your mother.  See about a facility for your GM, or a sitter for your GM.  Contact a SW for help.  If there are any VA benefits connected with your GF, as a spouse of a vet, see if the VA can offer suggestions for your GM.  There are MANY organizations out there to help.  Finding them requires someone who can start with the broad perspective, and narrow it down to the specifics that you need.  That falls under a SW.
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Only if you want an early grave for yourself.

Listen carefully: DON’T DO IT!!!

Have grandma placed in facility.
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The dynamic of you moving in with your grandmother will not work. Do NOT do it, else you, yourself, may reach an early demise. Prayers to you.
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Are you living with your mom now and how long have you been doing that if so? Is this grandmother your mother's mom and if so does your mom have any siblings or does your GM have any other children? It seems to me that while I understand your GM is older your first responsibility lies with your mother whom you have been caring for it sounds like longer than your GM and well first in line to supervise and make decisions for GM is her children. Now if mom is her only child and you are mom's only child the dilemma does get a bit more complicated I suppose (in some ways anyway) but honestly I'm not convinced you should be living with either one of them, you can take care of them by overseeing and arranging for their hands on care needs you don't have to live with one to be their primary caregiver or take the best care you can of them.

Did you have any discussions with your grandfather and or your grandparents together about what would happen when one of them passed, were any details taken care of like POA/DPOA, will, arrangements anything like that?
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