
I right Now have my mothers POA but the nursing Home will not recognize it saying my mother had dementia when she signed it. But my argument is that my mother had Dementia when she signed my brother’s POA so his should not be in effect too so she should be MOVED to a place she wants to be!

This letter is to the Guardian application people! to live since after a lot of work I was able to Turn this Two Bedroom with one bath house in to a Four Bed Room and two bath house!

I do not know where to start so I will start by telling you a Little Bit about my Mother!

About on march of 2018. My mother Moved into And I provided her with a TV to watch and her own phone line my home and at that Time she tried to go downstairs without the light on and when she turned around to go back up the stairs she got confused and slipped on the stairs and then fell down and hurt her back! And because my mother had dementia she could not tell her Doctor about what had happened the Doctor called Adult protective service on me and they did some Investigation and cleared me of any wrong doing to my dearly loved MOM! My brother Moved in about one month after my mother moved in! And he lived with us until February 2019 and my wife returned home from her stay in the Philippiens’. Me and my brother got into a argument about my mother watching her TV into late at Night He got made at me and he told me that he was going to have me arrested first chance he got because he knew that I had this Adult Protective Charge against at that time so I kicked him out of my home within one month! Because why should I keep somebody here that had threatened harm like that!

And when he left he told my mother’s younger sister to come to my home and move her into her sister’s home and that lasted one month and when my mother called me to come and remove her from her sister house and back into my home!

And while my mother lived at her sister’s home her sister took my youngest brother to have her sign a Medical power of attorney saying that they wanted her to sign this in case something bad was to happen to her she would have somebody to help her make Medical decisions for her.

So in march of 2019 and while she lived here with my wife and me she got into a serious state so bad that my wife and I called the ambulance to come to my home and moved to the emergency room and she stay there until she was released and Me and my wife went to the hospital to move her back into my home that was when we found out that Michael had her medical power of attorney!

He then moved my mother from the hospital into a Nursing Home called Petal Hill nursing home!

Which she is now at! And since My mother had been put into that nursing home A nursing home that is so bad they do not even had a phone into each patients room they do not provide a TV to watch I have been there every day until recently! And my brother the one with the Medical power of Attorney has not been to see her not even once! I call here every day! And he has not called her not even once! So

Because they do not provide these items to their; patients I went out and got MOM a TV to watch and a Cell phone for her to stay in so her friend and Family with to keep touch with her And she then changed her power of attorney to me through a Attorney firm.

He does not call me or send me any information so I can only guess at how he is doing.

So about one and a half Months ago MOM came down with a case of flu and they then moved her to the ER again. And they then tested MOM for the Covid 19 and she turned up negative. So they moved her back into the nursing home as per my Baby Brother telling them to.

And when she got back to the nursing home they moved her into a room that was as far away from the nurses station as they could.

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So the main complaint is you had to provide the tv and cell phone? Seems petty.

I'd highly recommend removing all the personal information you provided in both the post and your profile. Giving the whole internet your mums full name and address is asking for trouble.
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Unfortunately, even when your wife was there to support you, your mother's needs so far outstripped your ability to meet them that your mother required hospital admission.

That, together with the closed APS investigation, will be held to demonstrate that you are not capable of meeting your mother's care needs. While in your care your mother was first seriously injured, and later dangerously ill.

You have not been held to be at fault, nobody is accusing you of anything, but the evidence shows that you are not up to the job and therefore the courts will not give it to you.

Continue to visit your mother, once the constraints are lifted; and for heaven's sake buy her some nice comfortable wireless headphones.
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Please remove all personal information.

If the only thing that is "wrong" with this "sub par" facility is that there is not a phone or TV in each room I say your mom has it pretty good.
As to moving her to a room as far away from the nurses station there may be 2 things here that are the reason:
1) That was the room available when she returned from the hospital.
2) Luckily your mom needs less help and aid as another resident that they moved to a room closer to the nurses station.

And I have to ask you...if they had moved her to a room closer to the nurses station would you be complaining that she can not get sleep because the light is bright outside her room and there is a lot of noise because the nurses and CNA's stand at the station and talk?

It sounds like your mom is getting the care that she needs.
If you truly have complaints about the facility each state has Ombudsmen that will investigate complaints in Facilities like Nursing Homes, Memory Care facility and the like. You can file a complaint. Lack of a TV or phone is not going to be high on the list though.
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Yes please edit to remove all your personal info. You probably can still edit easily if you just joined.

I would consult an Elder Care attorney as your issues are complicated.

Applying for guardianship of your mother is an option if you have the money to proceed with guardianship.
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And when she got back to the nursing home they moved her into a room that was as far away from the nurses station as they could get! And at that time they did not move her TV to her new room. And the room did not provide a Nurse call button for her to call for assistance!
So I went to the nursing home to Move my mother TV set to her new room and they told me NO I could not move the TV that I provided for her to watch so I asked them why I could not do this they told me because they did not want Me to! I do not know how much you know about dementia But if the person does not have something Like a TV watch to help a stimulate their minds with the dementia get worse!
So Since I now had my mothers Power of Attorney I went to the nursing home to remove her to a Better Nursing home one that provides a TV for the patients to watch and a Phone line out for her to keep in touch with people!
Something MY mother will like and enjoy!
And while I tried to take my mother out of that Subpar Nursing home they called the police on me and when the police officer named Stone to stop me he then took my mother out of my Vehicle I told the police officer that I had my mother power of attorney And the nursing home told the police Officer that was not the case I did not have my mothers power of Attorney that they did not recognize my medical power of Attorney because my mother had dementia and could not sign that power attorney because of this. So I told them that My Mother had dementia when she first signed My brother sign his power of attorney if this was the case the My Mother should be moved to a place of her own choosing And she told the police officer that she prefer to move in with me. So the nursing home then filed a Guardian Papers on my mother keeping me from even going to the nursing home the last time I showed up there to bring My mother letters to her they would not allow me to.
Rather My Friend Joe to bring her letters to her and they then arrested me for Trespassing For Driving MY Vehicle on their property! They did that on march 5/2020.
I know that this is not what your able to help me with. But any help I can get would be appreciated BY Me. The nursing home will not tell me who the judge was that signed that guardian paper is and for that matter they will not show me her guardian papers think I am sure that if I do not know who this it can be fought by me in a Court of LAW and they will not provide me the judges Guardian assignment to! Or And who the judge assigned is! The orders that he told my mother as Far as I know they have not given a tape of the order, And even have not given my mothers a paper copy of his orders!
And did he even do a interview with my mother?
That my research told me he should do before assigning a guardianship person.
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