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One thing I have learned is no matter what, never lose your sense of humor! Mom asks me CONSTANTLY when I am doing any project, whether it's hardcore digging and planting in the garden, (which is hard work) I even end up paying for it with back pain, blisters, etc. When I am trying to do chores in the most efficiant way possible and she is the type that will pick up leaves one at a time with a pair of BBQ tongs, wonders why I always turn her down for assistance. I would go nuts just watching this! I feel awful for a couple reasons. 1, we used to work together all the time and we made a pretty good team, both worked efficiently and got a lot accomplished, now.......not so much. 2) She has a lymphatic leg from a prior cancer surgery which I work very hard at maintaining it and she cannot do the things I do anymore, she shouldn't even try. It will make her leg worse and it is a serious and delicate condition. I feel bad because I know she wants to feel useful and help me out but I have to constantly refuse her help. Yes, it is brutal watching the parent that taught you everything become a helpless child right before your eyes. What I do is make sure she does all the regular things she can do still by herself. I want her to use her mind as much as possible and to think things through as long as she can so I do back off on the stuff she still is capable of doing for herself. Making simple meals, keeping her place tidy, playing in her garden by deadheading flowers and sweeping up, I do all the heavy stuff. It seems to be working well because I know if I coddled her, she would let me and her mind would go to mush a lot faster. I want her to feel independent and keep her dignity as long as possible and just keep a close eye on her.
Occasionally, I will catch her going out in the garden with a paring knife instead of pruners, ( yikes! ) not wearing her gloves and sun hat, remember we are fair skinned Irish, I found melanoma on her arm and had it biopsied right away, caught it quick so it never got a foothold but, little stuff like that, checking up on her, making sure she stays hydrated, etc.
You are far from alone in your situation and how you feel. Come here to vent your frustrations, tell us your stories, we are here for you and truly understand. It will help you from feeling so isolated or feeling guilty 😉⛪️🙏🏻, we do the best we can! I find gardening really helps me lose myself in nature and it's very satisfying. I have also met wonderful people here that have become very special to me. You know who you are! 😉
Helpful Answer (2)

You are not whiny... Caregiving is tough. Try to see if you can find some help... Even a short break will help. Do your grandkids live close? Have them come over to your house. Plan fun activities you can do at the house. Have lunch together. That helps me.
Helpful Answer (2)

All of your answers made me feel so much better. I was actually laughing about the laundry and her asking if you need help. That's my mom....she is always right behind me and I am practically stepping on her feet but she will ask me if she can help with dinner....sure mom although you don't remember where the pots and pans are...! Its such a sad disease especially when it is someone you have looked up to your whole life. But I just try to keep her happy and me sane....thank you all for your support.
Helpful Answer (3)

I know. We aren't magicians though. We can't make them the people they were. Can only help to maintain their dignity in their comprised state and their safety and some how not be offensive when we have to take the lead. Not that we want to. But have to. Walking on a high wire in a circus.
Helpful Answer (2)

Yep, just trying to hold on to our sanity with all of our strength but feeling guilty doesn't make it any easier!
Helpful Answer (2)

Amen Rainey. We do the best we can.
Helpful Answer (1)

I knew you would relate Erin! LOL!!!! 😉
Helpful Answer (1)

Love it Rainey. And A Glory Be. cajohnston. My mother drives me nuts. I'm in the kitchen, wiping up water the dogs spilled, trying to avoid a slip and fall for her and I see her brown shoes first because I'm on my hands and knees drying the floor. Then the rest of her. I can't bring clothes to the laundry room with out her next to me saying " I 'll do it". By throwing all of the clothes in and not separating them. She's here 24/7. I have to tell her where I'm going. When I get in my car in the garage, she follows me. She writes on newspaper the time I leave the house, where I am going and when I return. I am only sane because I get away fairly often. My 21 year old spots my husband and myself or a good friend comes and spends hours with her when we go away for a day or two. You aren't a whiner. You are human.
Helpful Answer (4)

This following you is a common thing called "shadowing." Lots of elders do this to their caregivers especially if it's family. I know it is annoying, sounds endearing unless you experience it all the time, then it is unnerving! No, you are not whiney, I believe you are perfectly normal to have these feelings. Now say 5 "Our Fathers" and 4 "Hail Mary's." 😆
Helpful Answer (5)

You are NOT whiny. And even if you are, who cares - you've earned it. Hang in there!
Helpful Answer (6)

Thank you both for your responses. I also grew up Catholic, school and all so I do have that guilt as you describe. What bothers me most is that my sister that does come over twice a week said to me well at least you work! We have caregivers coming everyday while I am at work and she comes two days caregivers three days and me after work and weekends. Yes, I do have a job however, that does not help with being alone or going shopping or see my grandkids, etc. I could not believe she said that, so because I work that means that that is my time? Not in my mind as I am still stressed and overloaded with no time to myself. My mom has grown so attached to me that when I get home from work she follows me from room to room and I practically run into her she is that close to me. I know I should love this but at times it is overwhelming and again comes the guilt! Letting it out here and knowing I am not alone has really helped, so thank you all for listening to me. I should change my name to winy!!
Helpful Answer (5)

Reach out for someone to help...I was able to find someone that would come over for a minimum of 4 hours in the evening to give me time away. Try and not feel guilty about taking a little time to yourself. If you don't and it starts getting to you, it makes things worse because you will get shorter and more and more frustrated
Helpful Answer (4)

That unfortunately is normal. I know exactly what your talking about. I feel awful I need to keep her at arms distance and not get too personally involved because I start to go nuts at times. Yes, it's just me taking care of her too. Try not to be so hard on yourself. I grew up with the Irish Catholic guilt so it seems to be the default feeling and she still makes those little comments like, "I hope I am not a burden to you for too much longer" and other wonderful things that make me feel awful. *Sighs*
Just keep coming here and vent to get your feeling out, there are so many people here that are in your shoes and understand your thoughts and feelings. Don't chastise yourself, as hard as that is, I am sure you are doing your best.
Helpful Answer (5)

i have caregiver burnout right now and it makes me feel so guilty. I just want time alone. Just a day or two. I have been taking care of my mom since my husband died which will be three years november 5th. I don't want to have negative thoughts about my mom and that is what is beginning to happen which makes me feel worse. I just wish someone in my family would notice I need time and take over for a weekend or a day even. I love my mom but I am beginning to think I am a horrible person for the things that go through my head...
Helpful Answer (7)

For me, personally, I have to keep busy and involved. That takes on a new look. I read and learn as much as I can about my mom's condition and what will come next. I offer to fix dinner for my kids on nights I know they are having crazy days, like school, then music classes... They can not have to worry about getting home late and still needing to do dinner. I also work... But my boss let me work from home almost full-time once my mom needed 24/7 care. I read...I love to read. I bake and share with others. I have the grandkids over to play. Once a month, my husband stays with mom for a couple hours and I do volunteer work. I am happiest and most productive when I am busy. ;-)
Helpful Answer (3)

I think the best answer to that question is looking right here on this forum thread. Also down at the bottom of this page is a blue box that gives a place to go for some amazing answers. This is a question that everyone has and by looking at others peoples questions and answers is how I find great help! Just start reading. You are not alone here!
Helpful Answer (8)

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