
I am making up a "gratitude list" as my life caretaking and in general is rather hard at this point. I am wanting to know what you are grateful for?
I am grateful that I have a warm house this year. My house last year was not warm when it was extremely cold as it was 170 years old! I am warm this year..yeahhh

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I'm grateful that my girl bunny rabbit is still able to walk and has higher spirits. She has been very ill for 3 months. I'm grateful that my boy bunny rabbit is now 9.5 years old and has his head up despite trouble with his ear throughout his life.
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I am thankful that my family made it so far without hospitalizations, deaths, major illness or disease .
2nd thing:(am I allowed?) I am grateful for is that my daughter has graduated with her Masters in special education. She has worked in mental health for 14 years now and works as assistant director of Children's Services. So proud of her too.
I am thankful (3rd thing)= For all the threads and extremely special people moving the threads on to give us so many individual insights and care. Thanks from my heart.
Merry Christmas
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Of course you are allowed CoulditbeMe..I want to know ALL you are grateful for! Happy Holidays to all of my friends here on this website! I am grateful as always for your support. Boy does it help! Keep sending those HUGS! and Ill keep giving them back! from ELDERLYandADHD
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Wow - what a great idea !
This is my first Christmas without my precious Mum, and I had cancelled it until I read this thread. It really made me think!
So - I am thankful that.............
My Mum is at peace - she struggled so badly with the death of her first born daughter to breast cancer in 2005 at this time of year, and never got over our loss.
I have a wonderful Border Collie dog, who is my companion and best friend. His (OTT) joy and enthusiasm for life has made me want to carry on, where I saw no reason to.
I have two amazing sisters, who love me - warts and all! - what more could I ask?
I am alive and reasonably healthy and I have a good job which enables me to support myself and Finn (sheepdog-in-training).
I am free (of my ex-husband) and the miseries of sad and very unhappy marriage.
Thank you and Merry Christmas to all - Tess x
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I'm grateful for all my new found friends here at the forums. I appreciate all your sweet words and encouragements and prayers. I'm also thankful that my mom's night surges have finally ended for now and she sleeps peacefully almost 10 hours a night. And that is where I'm also very thankful for sleep!!! For which the last 4 months I have been deprived of. Praises and God Bless.
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i have so many things to be grateful for. My middle son and dil invited me to their house for Christmas,, and to see Les Miserables with Russel Crowe. Sig other is away seeing his kids and 2 new grandsons, but will be back on the 26th and we will have turkey for son and dil on the 27th. Dd will have us over on the 28th ands we will go out of town for dinner theatre for the 29th, and to visit mother. Almost too much but I will enjoy it. I have been much quieter for Christmas for many years. I too am grateful for my oet- my 13 yrb old cat Toonuie who is my constant companion. Lastly I am gratefuo for an imorivement in my health this year - looks like a chronic infection is finally on the way out.
elsderly - glad u have a warm house - necessary!!!
jessie - glad your bunnies are well - pets are so important to us
Could it ne me -congrats to your daughter - Great accomplishment
tess - good to have that stress of the ex gone
msdaisy - sleep is great
I too am glad for the support from members of this forum - invaluable - merry Christmas and blessings to all - Joan
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I'm thankful for each and every one of you and your words getting us through this time and every single day. Your support is a life line.

Great thread! Merry Christmas to all!
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I am thankful for my renewal in my spirtuality.
For my friends who have now become my family.
My pets.
My wonderful roomate who has been my cheerleader and sounding board.
And all of you offering encouragement continually.
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I am extremly grateful for having some time off.... first time in my life I havent had to hussle another job to keep a roof over my head...
I am grateful Marie is no longer suffering,,, tho I miss her a lot...
I am grateful for my friends here on AC, just could not do it without all of you...

Merry Christmas everyone....
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I am grateful that my husband's dying process was not prolonged or excessively painful. I am grateful for the privilege of holding his hand as he died. I am grateful for hospice.
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I'm thankful that I still have my dad with us this Christmas, since mom died before last Christmas. I'm also thankful that my mom -in-law is still with us for another Christmas too. I'm getting too old for this...♥
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I'm grateful for having my mom with me for 53 years. I'm also grateful to be taking care of my husband. There is and was so much love from both of them.
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I am very thankful for all the wonderful people who post here. This site is like a lifeline for me. I know I am not alone in caregiving this Holiday Season!
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I feel truly blessed for the opportunity to reciprocate: the love, tenderness, caring and attention that my parents gave to me since I was born and grow up. Now is my turn and I felt so heartful & grateful that I brought them some of my time, some of my scarce resources, most of my energy and my strenght to help them cope with their needs during their senior years. It is absolutely AWESOME!
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I am grateful for my wonderful husband and great kids. I am so looking forward to our daughter's upcoming wedding and grateful for our wonderful future son-in-law. Lastly, after years of limping along, I am very grateful for my new knees. No one will be able to stop me in 2013!
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Hello online family of caregivers... I'm thankful for everyone of you here who shared your stories! I gained a lot of information, learned that I'm not alone, I'm thankful for many appreciative ears here I can count on when I rant and vent. I realized it's only human to feel the way I do -- exhausted, tired, angry, easily annoyed, often on the edge and very easy to react, often negative because of my isolated life as a caregiver-daughter.

All these things, trials, good and bad, challenges, ups and downs... I am thankful. It helped me grow up and build my resilience and character. I praise God and say my prayers for everyone of us in this same boat. Thanks to 2012! Happy new year everyone. Welcome 2013! Just so thankful to my family. I don't know how I will manage my own caregiving issues if not for the useful and candid advice her. Thanks everyone! Hope we all get good sleep this holiday season.
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First n foremost....thanku, Elderly, for the opportunity to reflect n be thankful...

I'm thankful for ,at age 54, I still can enjoy the company of both of my parents...Even with its challenges...they're here, n I'm so thankful that I am close by to care for them..

I'm thankful for 3 extraordinary young people, that I am privileged to be their mother. They have taught me patience, n humility, along with so many other beautiful things...Gifts from God...

I'm thankful for the last 30 years that I have spent with the most wonderful man, who has loved me, respected me, honored me, each n every day...we are one in the same....there is no deeper love that I know, than the love I have for my husband..

I'm thankful for my beautiful dog, Lily. She's been, not only my best friend, but my comfort in times of despair n great sadness...she's my 4 legged angel..

I'm so thankful for finding my new AC family. I have made beautiful friendships all over the country n beyond...there are treasures, here, at the click of the mouse....

I'm extremely thankful for my dear friend, Ladee....there are not enough words to express my feelings for her, but, hopefully, she knows how much she is loved. You are my sista from another mother!!!...LYL

N to you, Elderly..for giving me n others the opportunity to stop all the responsibilities of my day, n focus on what is really be thankful.....I am a very blessed woman, no matter what trials or challenges I may face on any given day...Thanku for helping to remind me that my life is so very blessed....

Happy New Year!
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I am thankful for all my family and friends that are still here with me through thick and thin. Happy New Year to this wonderful site and all the people in it. Blessings to all of you.
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