
Well I finally did it, reported a gal I had working for me ... ( I had been reporting it to my social worker at Polk County for a bit over a year what she was doing )...reported on Tuesday this week 9/9/2021......eversince she has been here with me for just a bit over 2 1/4 years she has pilfered off me more ways then one ..and I've given that girl lots of stuff, and I caught a few of those times on my receipts. I straight out told her she was PILFERING from me, she said she doesn't steal, and I said under my breath yeah you ..doesn't close what she just took they will be getting someone else for ...she was told there will not be any contact between either parties ..worker/client ..a lot more stuff in the shed turned up missing and the only ones in there was my son and this girl and her husband or this girl and her boyfriend ....things ended up missing a 35 gal. blue and white plastice rubber made ice chest (light blue 20 gal.tote 1/2 full of charterless and batteryless drills.sanders , ect ...all brand names .ryobi, mykeeta ,dewalt ect .., garden rakes/shoves ect ...1- 5gal propane tank and 1 tall double sheperads hook , 7 patio railing sherpard hooks that screw down between the times my son was in there ..and the stuff was there after he left cause I was there with all the client confidentiality she would always tells me about all her clients and a few co-workers ..and what's with them and who some were and how many that have died since she was taking care of them 5 in the last 2 years so far ...and she's went over to each's places after death and told the families that her client gave her stuff in the house/aptment she'd go get and 3 times she used my 2 wheel heavy duty dollie to get the stuff. I put a stop to that too, guy that did die ,she went over to get a gold ring ,he said he promosed her .........and her boyfriend's sex organ pic, and all the barrowing of the money and the sneaking left over money and trying to keep all left over change ...and getting stuff from my ebt. a pop /sandwich ect ...and I did give her a lot of stuff from here to and she was trying to get me to sign a letter stating she'd be the caretaker of stuff after I died so my kids wouldn't fit over it. She tried to make me give her a set of keys to my trailer she said and she said she would take all my old drugs I didn't use to the cop shop  and I gave her about 6 bottles of old blood pressure meds and some inhalers I had and some albuterol neb treatments ...and she always talked about her daughter being on METH too... and in 2 years time she's had 5 clients die , and the last was a lady , she told me that that woman's daughter help her gather up all her pills ,so D could sell her pill to get the money for them ...and just before that got picked up and having 1/2 bag of weed in her truck. She told told the cop it was her husband's weed (which he does do weed. She's the one that actually goes and buys weed for her hubby every week....) and she was going to sell it how she got off of that is a wonder ......and it wasn't but 2 months after she started for me she barrowed $200.00 from, I got a receipt with her int. and signature on it and it took 3 weeks for her to pay me back, then it was a few weeks later she barrowed anther $200.00 from and it to about 2 weeks to pay back , and it was but a few days later she wanted to barrow another $200.00 and I said no...I just can't do that. I don't know what I have left in my acct ...the she says ...awww you got plenty of money in there ..I told her nope not doing it again ....she barrowed 7 dvd's and it took her 17 months to just bring 1 back and said she don't where they are and I tried to get her to forkover $2.00 each for the rest ...but nope nothing ...and all the times I had actually given her stuff, never one did she say ty.... and I gave her a huge bunch of PPE's for the Covid ,which she didn't wear

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I'm sorry, I read your post twice and it makes almost no sense. If you want to get some advice, I'd advise you to break up your long sentences into more coherent chunks of thought.

The CG who worked for you stole from you or simply took more than she was offered? I don't get it. And she's worked for you for over 17 months?

Yep--you should report her and fire her, b/c she's doing a LOT of illegal stuff and you, by knowing it, are complicit in any, say drug deals.

Sadly, calling in the authorities on her is going to go badly for YOU.

Fire her, change the locks, do what you need, but this person is trouble.

IT's NOT OK to take a deceased persons meds and sell them on the streets!!!
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Linda, your profile states:

"i live alone ,i have 2 cats , i don't do much, just watch tv , can't go out in the cold/wind ,because of my copd .can't take being in the sun during summer hot . not much more to say"

And in the beginning of this thread, you wrote:

"reported on Tuesday this week 9/9/2021"

First, are you a senior?   Second, your thread is not readable.   Folks here  are caring for their parent(s) or relatives, or are working, and their time is valuable.  

It's asking too much to expect someone to try to make sense out of your run-together verbiage.

If you have plenty of time available, you might want to take a course in basic English.
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Hello, and welcome.

First, I suggest you change your screen name to something other than your real name.

From what I could gather from your post, one major thing stood out to me. You should never give any old prescription medicines to anyone. Even old blood pressure pills can be very dangerous.

I would suggest forgetting about punishments for this person’s thefts from you, and focus on getting her out of your life entirely. Change your locks.
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Use punctuation and break up in sentences and paragraphs. Too hard to follow. Do not give leftover drugs of any kind to anyone.
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Punishment for any crimes are up to the legal system, and what is required there is instant reporting of theft, and PROOF. Then, after a court case the punishment is decided by law.
For you, the important thing is to remove from your own life at once anyone you feel is pilfering from you.
Do follow the advise to remove your real name (if such it is) from your profile on AgingCare.
Welcome to the Forum.
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I suppose the post was made by dictating into a microphone. Read it like that and it flows better.

Linda, I hope you've seen the back of this person (though I also hope you're very sure she is responsible for everything that's gone missing). But then, what difference after that does it make to you what happens to her? The important things are a) that you get support from someone more trustworthy, and b) that the situation becomes quite a lot less chaotic.
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I just hope her former clients are smart. An aide saying she was promised this or that means nothing. Unless the former client has put it in writing means nothing.

I had a co-worker tell me her son was always leaving money out on his dresser. She told him he should not do that because he had friends coming in and out of his room. Even though he was sure they wouldn't steal it, she said it was a temptation.

When u have strangers in ur home, you make sure all the valuables are locked up. Your shed should have a lock on it. We had a member that locked up toilet paper and paper towels because she was sure the aides were stealing it. She left out only what she thought was needed for the week. You loan them no money. You lend them nothing. Its awful we have to live this way, but we do.
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If any caregiver steals from you as soon as you are aware of it you..
REPORT the theft to the police. Let the police handle the rest.
If the caregiver is from an agency you report the incident to the agency let them handle that end of the problem,
You also tell the agency that you would like a replacement caregiver.

Background checks are great but they show CONVICTIONS. If a person is fired no convictions will show on the employment record. And people are very cautious with the wording of recommendations and references.

NEVER loan money to a caregiver. Never loan money to a friend or relative unless you have it in your mind that the money loaned will not be repaid. That way you are never disappointed. And never loan money that you can not afford to lose.
Same goes for personal belongings.

ANY unused medications should be disposed of properly. Some communities have a program with the police department. Others you are instructed to dispose of it in used kitty litter or dump it in the garbage with food waste mixed in so no one will be able to get it. You do not dispose of it by flushing it, that can be a problems with waste water treatment.
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