
She's a parapalegic, he works 3 day on, 36hrs off, 3 nights on, off 3 days, works 4 days, off 3 days, works 4 nights, off one week all work hrs are 12 hr shifts. and sometimes he gets called in early or called in on his off days. They pay my phone bill which is attached to their plan about $58 monthly with unlimited talk, text and data, as their bill averages around $226 and they have 3 phones of their own. I live in a 66"x93" room in a building off the main house which has a power cord running to it for my electric. I use the wifi, I take a bath twice a month (washing with baby wipes between bath times), my dog drinks one liter of water every 4 days, I clean up after him and myself, I wash my hair once a week, I drink a cup of their coffee in the mornings, I buy my own food and drinks. I Take trash out to the cans, I haul trash to the dump (in my vehicle), I go groc. shopping (in my vehicle), I pick up her meds from store (in my vehicle), I go do their laundry (in my vehicle), I run and pick up cat food from vets (in my vehicle), I clean the house, both bathrooms (even though I only use the main bath), I do the dishes (by hand and dish washer), I've cut their lawn this summer, weed eated, tended to her outdoor plants, tended to her indoor plants, Get her out of bed from time to time (getting her dressed), putting her to bed every night (getting her undressed) emptying her cath bag, from time to time I've help her get in the shower, I help her prep meals, clean up after her, put the leftovers up, I do clean up after him as well, take her to doctor appointments (she does buy me a soda) , hair appointments (she does buy me a soda), cleaned up after her cat would yack, clean her cat's litter box, help her put meds in med cups, fill the med machine, sometimes I have to do her meds completely (cause she is mentally unable), I get her food and drinks throughout the night when he's working, if she calls no matter the time of day I drop what I'm doing to assist (even if it's 4 am). I go with them on trip to help out (they do pay for my food and soda). If I don't go with I clean the house top to bottom disinfecting everything, I get down on my hands and knees scrubbing the floors, I don't let them get me pizza when they order, I don't allow them to order anything for me from pricey take out restaurants. I just want to know what my time is really worth plus using my personal vehicle for the running I've done too. I know I'm being used but to what extent! I'm editing this to let y'all know there is one task I just won't do for her and that's what he calls pooping her. I won't wipe her!

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Do you want a salary range? I don’t understand your question.

Sounds like what you are doing is priceless.

If you aren’t satisfied with your salary ask for an increase or find another job. You have caregiving skills on your resume.

You have the power to change.
Helpful Answer (1)

This struck me: " I take a bath twice a month (washing with baby wipes between bath times)," ?!?!

What are you being paid now? Or is your room and board (and you don't even get all your meals, do you?) the payment for all that you do? (I HOPE NOT!)
Helpful Answer (2)

Contact the Department of Labor. Sounds like slave labor to me and is illegal. Make plans to get out.
Helpful Answer (4)

I suppose this could be considered an acceptable arrangement if you live in a third world country, anywhere else a caregiver - including a nanny - can expect good wages as well as room and board (and the room should be a suite, not a box out back powered with an extension cord) as well as time off and sick days. Get out.
Helpful Answer (4)

Are you related to this couple in some way? The room size you reported is 5.5 feet x 7.5 feet which is barely large enough for a twin bed which is 3.25ft x 6.6ft. What are your current wages? Do they pay for the gas in your car, tags, and insurance for the vehicle? Were you told you could only bathe twice a month and there were limits on water usage? Did you make some sort of contractual agreement with them?
Helpful Answer (3)

To all who have commented your are right a twin mattress doesn't fit one way so I have it folded over so I can have a bit more room, cause if I turn the mattress the other way there won't be room for the heater or walking room for changing. No I do not get gas funds or anything else for the use of my private vehicle to do running for them. I only know them from when my late husband worked for them redoing their home. No they have not set limits on me using any amount of water. Verbal agreement for me to live here and work to pay for my room and board. He has made statements to girls they try to hire and train that we owe Sherry so much that she does so much. I'm just wanting to know about what a unlicenced live in caregiver would typically get paid for doing what I do. I keep this house running and functioning in a daily chaotic way. I had it out with the lady telling her how I felt with all I've mentioned above and am in fear that he will tell me I can go live in my truck again as he has stated in the past. I have no place to go yet I don't like being used and abused and have read online that I should be getting paid something for all I do regardless of the room they provide. I don't get paid one penny for what I do here! So yes I want a salary range, I have jokingly held out my hand once when he was paying someone else and he said I can always go back and live in my truck! I am trying to get away, far far away from here, but it is taking time as stated my money I'm to be saving has gone to food, drinks, wipes for cleaning, gas to run in my priv. vehicle for them. They buy me no food just drinks when I take her to appointments and the only food they do buy is if I go with them on their vacations. But as stated I don't go much cause I have to clean the house and disinfect it top to bottom while they are gone. So even though they're gone I'm still working. I've been here a year but have been helping them now for 3 years I use to get gas once in awhile when I didn't live here that's it. I can't really get out til I can find land elsewhere to live. If I have calculated right my time is worth about $8. hr for 119 hrs a week which is probably considered under the table pay, being on call 24/7 no overtime, no time off except if I have appointments, no sick pay, no social life other than facebook or facetime with my grandchildren and daughter. I'm living my life for them not myself at this point. They use to pay someone $140 weekly to come in get her up and return to put her to bed, $50 a day to take her to appointments, $40 to cut grass, and $50 a day on their trips which last four to five days and if I went I would have to drive half way cause he needed to get sleep before he was due to go to work the day they returned. Don't put me down for all I do I am trying to survive: My entire life has been one screw up after another. I was 9 when my biological father started having us (his daughter's) touch him. At age 13 he raped me. At age 13 second time he raped me I got pregnant, I had abortion. I did anything and everything to get people to take me away from him. I stole from stores, I made prank calls to police, I ran away, I stole a horse to ride away, I hitched hiked and got raped more. I was snatched and dragged in allies and raped. I was raped by people I was to trust like caseworkers, counselors, A uncle tried to rape me when he was helping move us away because judge told mother to or risk us being taken away from her. I was married to my first husband for 1 month til I found out he was cheating on me. Married second husband and he started cheating after our third child was born. During our marriage he physically, mentally and verbally abused me as I had told him of my childhood. He would see me walkin down the road and throw water filled gallon jugs at me. Divorced him and met a man I thought I would be with forever. He passed away in 1998 after being married of just 4 months 6 days and 13 hrs. Almost 10 years later I finally decided I wasn't going to be cheating on my late husband and found another love. We married that same year in 2008 in 2014 he passed away so I lost two men I loved. After the last had past I wanted to start fresh sell my home because of the memories that were within those walls. Found land paid on that land for almost 2 years, after selling my home I moved to land after paying almost $8 thousand on the land that it wasn't there. Finally go seller to give me something for his wrong doing on another piece of land which was to be over half an acre. Went to that land just to find out it was less than a third of an acre. So since the passing of my last husband I lost almost $8k on bad land deals that I can't get back because I don't have the kind of money the seller has to take him to court and win my case for a full refund. I'm basically fucked. No place to go I am forced to live with people that have been using me as a live in caregiver. I do everything, I keep this house running smoothly and I get nothing in return, I should have almost $2k in my bank but because I buy my own food use my own vehicle for their errands paying for gas with my money I only have $410. I cry myself to sleep cause I want out of this situation I'm in because one my husband died and two seller lied. I didn't get what my home was worth when I sold it as I gave it away selling for $40k less than market value just so I could move to my new land. I had dreams throughout my childhood and this is not how they were. I'm burnt out and being used just needing to have calgon take me away.... Sorry for the ranting here this is my hell..
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Private caregivers don't have to be licensed. You could go anywhere and expect to get a minimum of $10/hour plus room and board and time off. Your history is one of abuse, but you don't have to accept that your future will continue to be the same. A woman's shelter would be better than where you are now.... run.

btw, there are cna certificate courses available online
Helpful Answer (5)

Shelters do not take people with pets. I'm not giving my pet away just because I'm being used. I just got done posting an ad on craigslist so hopefully someone would be ecstatic to have someone like me helping them while paying me. I do thank each and everyone of y'all for your advice and help. It's been appreciated more than ya know.
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U can also post on Facebook looking for room n board caregiving pls be careful there's lots of weirdos out there the world is a crazy place nowadays. Keep us posted on how u r doing and fyi they are using the shit out of you nobody deserves to b a slave and live in a cell to boot
Helpful Answer (2)

Let me see if I have this straight:

1. You don't get paid, nor do you get reimbursement for using your own car. How then do you pay for insurance and upkeep on the car? You must be getting funds from some source in order to maintain the car and insurance.

2. You have and apparently care for a pet. How do you pay for the pet's food and vet care? BTW, you could contact pet groups and find a temporary home for your pet while you're redirecting your life. It's no favor for a pet to be owned by someone who isn't getting any income for herself, let alone to provide and care for a pet.

3. You wrote: "I am forced to live with people that have been using me as a live in caregiver." No, you're not. By your own admission you've made a lot of bad choices, but you're the only one who can turn your life around and not be "forced" to be used.

4. This post is eerily similar to a long thread that ran on and on sometime ago. Similar situation...woman who wrote that she was living in a miserable, financially abusive situation but couldn't leave b/c she couldn't find a place that would accommodate her pet.

Before you respond that I'm not being sensitive to your plight, think about the advice you've been given. The situation is by your own description undesirable if not abusive. Yet you're asking how much you SHOULD be paid, even though you're been working for free, and apparently the couple don't want to pay you despite your hints. You're not asking for ways to get out of this situation, even though posters have offered advice on this.

It's difficult not to see barriers at every turn, but your whole life seems to be plagued by abuse. Do you realize that it's time to get some counseling to help you discover how this whole abusive situation occurred and has repeated itself one way or another throughout your life?

Did you ever get rape counseling? Did you ever testify in court to help bring these people to justice? If not, why not?

Start contacting your county government and find out how you can get counseling for free. Ask about battered women counseling.

WHO has the power to change this? Only you.

I can't find the thread, started by someone with Dakota (Dakota MT?) in the screen name. If anyone else remembers this poster, perhaps you could share the full screen name.

If this post could be found, it would be excellent reading and insight into a situation similar to yours. A lot of advice was given to the poster. Whether or not anything ever changed is unknown.
Helpful Answer (2)

GardenArtist I'm 55 living on disability this is how I take care of my pets care and health. I am forced to live like this cause they don't have to treat me like this, they can treat me with respect which I get none of. She is inconsiderate of the mess she makes knowing she doesn't have to clean it up. Example: Last week I came in and her purse and iPad were on the floor, she was in her room petting on her cat, when asked why she just rolled around the items rather than picking them up she stated she had potato starch on her hands, yet she's petting her cat with them starchy hands, food on the floor and she has grabbers to help her pick things up she drops, yet she chooses to leave them lay so I can clean up after her. REALLY! All the rapes I went through were reported. I was as a teenager from 13 to 16 yrs of age. There is no option to even find my dog a temp. home as he is a therapy dog as well for me. Without him to give love to and he to show love I would rather drive my vehicle into the lake with windows closed. Yes I am in counseling for the issues I have, I even have a monthly counselor coming here and they are well aware of my situation as well as know that I need my pet to stay sane in one way or the other, they all agree on that. I'm not jumping down your throat for your response as I am the one who came here for advice on what my work is worth, just like I am the one who put myself in this ridiculous situation, Only I can get out of it but it takes time and money, the time is all I have and money I have very little of as mentioned above. I could save more money by eating her cooking but I choose not to cause of the way she is in the kitchen. I'm not about to get sick over her cooking (cleaning a knife with a lysol wipe that was just used to cut chicken or pork and placing it back in the canister is 110% unsafe no matter how ya slice it. I'm not a person who will sue unless it is a bad car wreck. I am listening to everyone who has commented and taking advice. No I wasn't here and didn't come here asking for ways to get out but merely asking what my work was worth as a live-in caregiver. I have researched online about how much one would get regardless of a need for room and board. It's a package deal being a live-in caregiver. Everyone is in total disgust with the way these people treat me. I am not asking for much, if I were renting I would have to pay something. These people have taken on a friend of mine to help out once in awhile and she use to think I was blowing smoke out my ass about the way it was here, now she says she doesn't know how I put up with it. I told ya so. Live it like I do then ya will see I am not just talking it is so very much real. I'm glad to see from what ya had wrote I'm not the only person who goes through things like this, I feel for the person ya speak and pray she is in a much better situation now. I will soon be, like I said it takes time and money. Our world revolves around money we can't do anything without it unless we already have what we need. Thank you for your imput.
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you can take your pet
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I don't think someone who has been raped has to answer if or why she didn't report it.
Helpful Answer (1)

Wow meallen I am not a victim of domestic violence now I was way back when I was younger but again I'm 55 yrs old. Though I appreciate your help this is not my situation. These shelters are equipped to accept families of domestic violence along with their pets. I'm not in a violent situation where I may be harmed either. If I could delete this thread I would cause now the advice is getting out of control. All I wanted to know was what my work was worth. Thank you for your second post and I couldn't agree with ya more on that of your comment. I got more than what I ASKED for, I don't believe I'll be doing this ever again, no matter what answers I seek. I didn't intend for it to go like it has!
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No matter where you go.....there you are.
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