
Some days I just so hard. I do not feel sorry for myself.

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What health problems? You are very young to have a whole lot. Can you elaborate?
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Sendhelp Sep 2020
Alva, 🍎
Just a suggestion, but if you click on the screen name/avatar of the poster, often you learn much more about the poster, who has already posted their health problems.

By taking that short amount of time, it will save you time in the long run.

Falls under the topic of 'getting to know you'. 💞💞💞
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Your profile shares a lot of information on your health issues.   Can you prioritize them, determining which need to be addressed first?   Then address the others as you find time?    I know this is a difficult time to get medical help b/c of the pandemic.

Sounds like the bleeding and the knee issue might be the first to address.   I know nothing about these conditions medically, but I would think there's an alternative to not being able to be anesthetized b/c of long term steroid use.    Perhaps some of the medical people here can offer suggestions.   

Sometimes when I start feeling sorry for myself I think of how much worse it could be.  I still have all my limbs, haven't been through any kind of amputation or EID, and am a lot better off than many of the soldiers who've been through hell, losing limbs and suffering so severely.    So I'm thankful for what I do have to deal with.

That's not to infer you don't have serious problems; you do, and the medical community should be helping you.     I'm wondering whether you have a good, reliable compassionate PCP who can help you make arrangements to see specialists for the various issues that are hampering your happiness?
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Like the saying goes, you can only eat an elephant one bite at a time, so deal with your health issues one at a time, starting with the most pressing one first. Then go on to the next and then the next etc. It took a long time for you to develop these issues, so just know that they won't all go away overnight.

You are very young and still have a lot of living to do, and while that may look different from what you were originally expecting, it can still be fun and rewarding. And when life gets too overwhelming, I find it helpful to write in what I call my "grateful notebook", at least 5 things every day that I am grateful for. It's amazing how doing that will totally change your perspective on things.

I too am young(61) and have a lot of physical issues that I am dealing with, that I had to kind of put on the back burner while I cared for my husband, but now that he has died(12 days ago), I will be eating that elephant one bite at a time. Wishing you the best.
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What issue is giving you the most distress? Is your knee pain making you feel depressed and more lonely? There are lots of treatments you can try for your knees. Cortisone injections, gel injections and stem cell. Even home physical therapy would benefit you. You can learn how to properly and safely move and exercise your knee. Reach out to your church for visitors to check in on you. You need to see people. As for the bleeding issue, you need to see your doctor. Good luck and I wish you peace and better health.
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