
I have initiated a caregivers zoom chat with several other ladies from my church who care for their husbands. We have found this to be very helpful! We "meet" twice a week. I try to offer a specific topic once a week. The other day we just chat. This is a great way to unload and be social. We all have found we need to "leave the room" occasionally but we can still hear the others (muting ourselves) and rejoin after our LOs needs have been met. Not every one joins every time, thus the twice weekly. Curious if others have tried. Would love to hear other suggestions to improve.

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I have been part of a caregivers support group here locally for a year and a half now. We had been meeting at our Senior Services building on Wednesday's and Friday's. How awesome it was to be able to get together with other caregivers in person to be able to give a hug when needed or just listen. Well then came the obnoxious Covid-19, and all that was forced to stop.

But thankfully the meeting facilitator was able to set up our meetings on Zoom, so we could continue to get together(even if only virtually). It's great to be able to see a lot of the same folks, however in our case, some of the people are older and don't have access to a computer, so they are out there on their own. We all try to call or text those folks, as that is better than nothing, but still not the same. Nor is meeting on Zoom. You lose that personal one on one interaction with the people you have grown close to over the years. And you can't give a hug to someone who is having a rough time. It's better than nothing, but not the same, as we were designed for community, to be together in person, not virtually.

And just FYI, our facilitator doesn't chose a weekly topic, we just go one by one and let everyone talk about what is going on in their lives as a caregiver, and find out what their biggest challenge is that week. It's important for everyone to be heard and get off their chest what they need to. We then as fellow caregivers can offer suggestions as what has worked for us to perhaps make their lives a little easier. The meetings themselves have been a Godsend for all of us, as it's so very important to be able to share with others that actually understand, however I do look forward to the day when we can once again meet in person.
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Mimsie Aug 2020
I agree it is not the same as in person and I long for that day. However, it has met the need for now. And a couple of ladies have said they simply don't have support to leave their LO with someone else so they can get out. So this is a plus for them. Always looking for a silver lining! As for a topic, I'm doing basically what you're saying. For instance, this morning, I asked if anyone had laundry tips. It helps to get the conversation going. And of course, we all get to unload!! And not just the laundry. :)
I currently facilitate 2 dementia support groups virtually. I found them useful but not as personal as face to face. Congratulations for creating your chat room. I' too, don't offer a topic, but if it works for you, that's great. I will usually choose a participant and ask how they are doing, what's changed in their LO, etc.

It's hard to get a virtual hug!
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